Anonymous Film Stars (Bing Crosby - Write name of movie star here)

Issuing Company:
Country of Issue:
Year of Issue:
Color/B&W: B&W
Number of Cards in Set:
Card Size: 2 3/8" x 3"
Issued as insert with what product:

Notes: Checklist incomplete. This is one of the more unusual movie star cards I've seen. It shows an unidentified picture of Bing Crosby with a box at the bottom where you are supposed to write in the name when you've figured out who it is. It says Set No. 17 at the bottom - I'm not sure if that is a set number or a card number. There are three numbers on the card itself, number 148, 146, and 153. It appears that you are supposed to cut the card into three pieces like a puzzle and put it back together. Jim Wiehe sent this scan and he says the measurements of the card are approximately 2 3/8" x 3" and it appears to have been cut from a box.

The only other set I can think of that has a space where you are supposed to figure out the movie star name and write in the answer is the Cracker Jack Write Movie Star's Name Here set, but this card is definitely not from that set. It does appear to be from the same era. It is possible that this set has taken that idea from the Cracker Jack set or vice versa.

Thanks to Jim Wiehe for providing the scan and information to start this checklist.

Bing Crosby

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