Anonymous Film Stars (Red Film Frame Border - Number in White Shaded Circle)

Issuing Company:
Country of Issue: Italy
Year of Issue: 1950s
Color/B&W: Color
Number of Cards in Set:
Card Size:
Issued as insert with what product:

Notes: Checklist incomplete. These cards have a red film frame border with the number in a white shaded circle on the front. The artwork is a bit more primitive than the other red bordered film frame set.

78. Donald O'Connor in "Il mulo parlante"
79. Alan Ladd (spelled Laad on card)
80. Gregory Peck e Ava Gardner in "Le nevi del Chilimangiaro"
81. Anthony Quinn (spelled Antony on card)
84. Pedro Armendarez
85. William Boyd (card says Donald Hoppings, which probably came from his character Hopalong Cassidy)
86. Randolph Scott in "La Miticcia di Sacramento"
87. Gene Autry
89. Clifton Webb in "Primo peccato" (spelled Weeb on card)
90. Alan Ladd (spelled Laad on card)
100. Gary Cooper in "Tamburi lontani"

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