Information from David Hornish's website
Hocus Focus was issued in two sizes, one measuring 7/8" x 1 7/16" (referred to as small)
and one that was 1" x 1 9/16" (known as large), in 1955. While many old hobby guides have
commingled the two checklists over the years, they share 96 subjects, with the small set
adding an additional 30 that are not found in the large; numbers 1-96 are shown on the
reverses of both sizes in a black circle and this numbering is the same in either size.

What can differ is the subset numbering as Topps created eight subsets for the issue:
Airplanes, Baseball Stars, Movie Stars, Sports Cars, Sports Thrills, Westerners,
World Leaders, and World Wonders. Only the Movie Stars, Sports Cars and World Leaders
have the same subset count in both sizes. Topps increased the Airplanes, Baseball Stars,
Sports Thrills and World Wonders subsets by five and added ten to the World Leaders to
wedge the additional 30 card "high numbers" into the small set.

These "highs" were certainly issued at the same time as the "lows", given the likely
126 count array of the uncut sheet (18 x 7, matching Magic Photo of 1948-49 vintage).
The subsets were not sequentially numbered, which was an early marketing trick employed
by Topps before set checklists were issued in the packs. Small cards only came inserted in
penny gum tabs while the large cards were lightly perforated (with dashes on the reverse as well)
and sold in strips (I believe) of four plus three (or possibly two sometimes) cards in nickel
packs, six cards per pack. Large cards should show signs of perforation/dashes on one or two
of the long sides, which is a handy way to tell what size is being offered in auction and
sale lots that have no other indication.

01 Jesse James	
02 Rotor Craft "Pinwheel"	
03 Empire State Building	
04 Roger Bannister	
05 Ted Williams	
06 AVRO Vulcan	
07 Franklin Delano Roosevelt	
08 Spook Jacobs	
09 Eiffel Tower	
10 Southern California	
11 Bat Masterson	
12 Lockheed XFV-1	
13 Jackie Robinson	
14 Buffalo Bill	
15 Great Wall Of China	
16 Woodrow Wilson	
17 Dog Racing	
18 AVRO 707B	
19 Soccer	
20 ARS 1301	
21 Eldorado Brougham	
22 Trident	
23 Kirk Douglas	
24 Mt. Everest	
25 Antonio Rocca	
26 Harvey Haddix	
27 Skiing	
28 Bing Crosby	
29 Golden Gate Bridge	
30 Hank Sauer	
31 Ray Boone	
32 Wright Brothers
33 Rolls-Royce	
34 Jane Russell	
35 Jaguar	
36 British M.G.	
37 Charles A. Lindbergh	
38 Lasalle II Sports Coupe	
39 Sunbeam Alpine	
40 Leaning Tower Of Pisa	
41 Mt. Rushmore	
42 Hal Smith	
43 Dick Groat	
44 Ed Lopat	
45 Alfa-Romeo	
46 Convair "Ficon"	
47 Thomas Alva Edison	
48 General Douglas MacArthur	
49 Ted Kluszewski	
50 Buick Wildcat III	
51 Mayo Smith	
52 Barbara Stanwyck	
53 Gen Custer		
54 Rocky Marciano	
55 Pyramids	
56 James Stewart	
57 Bullfighting	
58 Theodore Roosevelt	
59 Wild Bill Hickock	
60 "Spook" Jacobs		
61 Hockey	
62 Motor Boat Racing	
63 Diving	
64 Panama Canal	
65 Winston Churchill	
66 Abraham Lincoln	
67 Jim Rivera	
68 Dwight D. Eisenhower	
69 Al Rosen	
70 Bobsledding	
71 Taj Mahal	
72 Annie Oakley	
73 Rodeo	
74 Alligator Wrestling	
75 Kurtis	
76 Hindenburg	
77 Northrup X-4	
78 Saab 210 "Draken"	
79 Ted Kluzewski		
80 Elizabeth II	
81 Kit Carson	
82 Harry S. Truman	
83 Robert Ryan	
84 Johnny Schmitz	
85 Sam Houston	
86 Dusty Rhodes	
87 Warren Spahn	
88 Skin Diving	
89 Calamity Jane	
90 Gordon Scott	
91 Mahatma Gandhi	
92 Davy Crockett	
93 Billy The Kid	
94 Bentley	
95 Albert Einstein	
96 George Washington Carver

100 General George Marshall
101 Grand Canyon
103 Wally Moon
105 Boing "Bomarc"

109 Ed Mathews
112 Christ of the Andes
113 Amelia Earhart
115 Alexander Graham Bell
116 Kid Gavilan
117 Babe Ruth

119 S-200 "Minijet"
121 Archie Moore
122 Karl Spooner
124 Cycling
126 Louis Pateur