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to Dan Calandriello

Topps Magic Photos - R714-27
Group Listing
(Click below to see individual series)
A - 24 Boxing Champions

B - 6 All American Basketball

C - 13 All American Football

D - 25 Wrestling Champions

E - 17 Track and Field

F - 22 Stars of Stage

G - 17 American Dogs

H - 2 General Sports

I - (no series "I")

J - 45 Movie Stars
... K - 19 Baseball HOF

L - 9 Aviation Pioneers

M - 8 Famous Landmarks

N - 8 American Inventors

O - 10 American Military Leaders

P - 2 American Explorers

Q - 5 Basketball Thrills

R - 5 Football Thrills

S - 7 Wild West

T - 7 General Sports