Famous Discoveries and Adventures

1. Meeting of Stanley and Livingstone
2. First Moon Rocket
3. Marco Polo (1254-1324)
4. Discovery and Conquest of Mexico
5. Conquest of Everest
6. Sir Francis Drake
7. Captain Scott (1868-1912)
8. First to the North Pole
9. Douglas Mawson
10. Across the South Australian Desert
11. Burke and Wills
12. Discovery of the Pacific
13. Discovery of North America
14. Lhasa, the "Forbidden City"
15. The Vikings
16. Migration to Oceania
17. Discovery of the West Indies
18. Search for a Southern Continent
19. The "Golden Hind" .....
20. Abel Tasman (1603-59)
21. Sir WalterRaleigh (1552-1618)
22. Discovery of the Victoria Falls
23. Magellan (1470-1521)
24. First Circumnavigation of the World
25. The Maoris Land in New Zealand
. 26. First European to Sight Japan
27. Henry the Navigator (1394-1460)
28. Juan Fernandez
29. Naming of the Americas
30. Francisco Pizzaro (1478-1541)
31. Naming of the River Amazon
32. Opening of Trade with Russia
33. First European in Australia
34. Discovery of Bering Straits
35. Exploration of Canada
36. Mungo Park (1771-1806)
37. 4,000 Miles to the Pacific
38. Evolution of Life
39. Conquest of the North-East ...
40. First Attempt to Reach North..
41. Arctic Weather Bases
42. First Solo Crossing ....
43. Exploration of the Ocean
44. The Great Hole of the ..
45. The Mariner's Compass
46. Discovery of the Universe
47. Exploration of the Universe
48. Einstein
49. First Atlantic Crossing ...
50. Survey of the Moon