Allen and Ginter Celebrated Indian Chiefs
Issued 1888 - N2

N2 cards and their possible origins

Contributors - Tim Baumgart, Bill Mullins and Jeff Forteza

Image - Tim Baumgart

Image - Tim Baumgart

Image - Tim Baumgart

Image - Tim Baumgart

Image - Tim Baumgart

Big Elk

Big Elk

Image - Tim Baumgart

Big Snake

Big Snake

Black Eye

Black Eye

Black Hawk - Sioux

Black Hawk - Sioux
need image

Black Hawk Sac and Fox

Black Hawk Sac and Fox

Bull Head

Bull Head

Image - Tim Baumgart

Image - Tim Baumgart

Chief Gall

Chief Gall

Image - Tim Baumgart

Clam Fish

Clam Fish

Crows Breast

Crows Breast

Deer Ham

Deer Ham

Image - Tim Baumgart

Image - Tim Baumgart

Image - Tim Baumgart

Image - Tim Baumgart

Hairy Bear

Hairy Bear

Image - Tim Baumgart

John Grass

John Grass

John Yellow Flower

John Yellow Flower



Imagesd - Jeff Forteza

King of the Crows

King of the Crows

Lean Wolf

Lean Wolf

Mad Bear

Mad Bear

Man and Chief

Man and Chief

Many Horns

Many Horns

Image - Tim Baumgart

Red Bird

Red Bird

Red Cloud

Red Cloud

Red Thunder

Red Thunder

Image - Tim Baumgart

Rushing Bear

Rushing Bear

Image - Tim Baumgart

Image - Tim Baumgart



True Eagle

True Eagle

War Captain

War Captain



Images - Jeff Forteza

Image - Tim Baumgart

Image - Tim Baumgart

Young Black Dog

Young Black Dog