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to Dan Calandriello

Multiple Bread Companies
Portraits Of Famous Events In American History
Series I
Shown below - 35+ bread labels

Images, information and checklist - Todd Riley
Images - Bill Oliver
Images - Don Hayes
Scenes of famous events throughout history with information at base.
Series not listed in American Card Catalog (ACC).
The first series of labels is more difficult to find than the second.
The labels from this series are easily distinguished
from the second series as these have white backgrounds
whereas the second series labels have blue backgrounds.

The album is checklisted by date so
the checklist adheres to that sequence.

 1. 1492-10-12:	Oct. 12, 1492 - Columbus Finds New Lands	
 2. 1513-09-25:	Sept. 25, 1513 - Balboa Discovers Pacific	
 3. 1607-12:	December 1607 - Pocahontas and John Smith	
 4. 1620-12-21:	Dec. 21, 1620 - Pilgrims Land At Plymouth	
 5. 1643:	1643 - First American Iron Works	
 6. 1681-03-04:	Mar. 4, 1681 - Pennsylvania	
 7. 1699-07-06:	Jul. 6, 1699 - Captain Kidd Seized	
 8. 1704-04-24:	April 24, 1704 - First Newspaper	
 9. 1711-09-22:	Sep. 22, 1711 - Tuscarora Indian War	
10. 1716:	1716 - Boston Light House	
11. 1742:	1742 - Faneuil Hall	
12. 1773-12-16:	Dec. 16, 1773 - Boston Tea Party	
13. 1775:	1775 - Early Submarine	
14. 1775-03-10:	March 10, 1775 - Daniel Boone	
15. 1775-04-18:	April 18-19, 1775 - Paul Revere's Ride	
16. 1775-06-17:	June 17, 1775 - Battle of Bunker Hill	
17. 1776-07-04:	July 4, 1776 - Declaration of Independence	
18. 1777-06-14:	Jun. 14, 1777 - American Flag Adopted	
19. 1793:	1793 - Invention Of Cotton Gin	
20. 1893-09-18:	Sep. 18, 1793 - Capitol Building Started	 
21. 1802-03-16:	March 16, 1802 - West Point Established	
22. 1803-05-02:	May 2, 1803 - Louisiana Purchase Treaty	 
23. 1807-08-17:	Aug. 17, 1807 - The First Steamboat	 
24. 1825-10-26:	Oct. 26, 1825 - Erie Canal Completed	
25. 1830:	Covered Wagon	
26. 1836-03-06:	March 6, 1836 - Battle Of The Alamo	
27. 1846-10-16:	Oct. 16, 1846 - Early Use Of Anaesthetic	
28. 1848-01-24:	Jan. 24, 1848 - California Gold Discovery	
29. 1859-08-27:	Aug. 27, 1859 - Oil Discovered	
30. 1860-04-03:	April 3, 1860 - Pony Express	
31. 1862-03-09:	March 9, 1862 - Merrimac - Monitor Battle	
32. 1863-01-01:	Jan. 1, 1863 - Emancipation Proclamation	
33. 1863-11-19:	Nov. 19, 1863 - Gettysburg Address	
34. 1865-04-09:	April 9, 1865 - General Lee Surrenders	
35. 1865-04-14:	April 14, 1865 - Lincoln Assassinated	
36. 1865-06-02:	June 2, 1865 - Last Seaport Surrenders	
37. 1866-07-27:	July 27, 1866 - Atlantic Cable	
38. 1867-03-30:	March 30, 1867 - Alaska Purchase	
39. 1876-03-10:	March 10, 1876 - First Telephone Message	
40. 1886-09-04:	Sept. 4, 1886 - Geronimo Captured	
41. 1886-10-28:	Oct. 28, 1886 - Statue Of Liberty	
42. 1888-03-11:	March 11-14, 1888 - Great Blizzard Of '88	
43. 1895-11-28:	Nov. 28, 1895 - First U.S. Auto Race	
44. 1896-04-23:	April 23, 1896 - First Movie	
45. ?	 
46. 1898-04-22:	April 22, 1898 - Rough Riders	
47. 1898-05-01:	May 1, 1898 - Dewey Takes Manila Bay	
48. 1903-12-17:	Dec. 17, 1903 - First Airplane Flight	
49. 1903-12-30:	Dec. 30, 1903 - Iroquois Theatre Fire	
50. 1906-04-18:	April 18-19, 1906 - San Francisco Earthquake	
51. 1907-12-16:	Dec. 16, 1907 - Around The World	
52. 1908:       1908 - F.B.I. Authorized	
53. 1909-04-06:	April 6, 1909 - Flag Placed At North Pole	
54. 1912-04-15:	April 15, 1912 - Sinking Of The Titanic	
55. 1914-08-15:	Aug. 15, 1914 - Panama Canal Opened	
56. 1917-04-06:	April 6, 1917 - World War I Declared	
57. 1918-05-15:	May 15, 1918 - Daily Air Mail Service	
58. 1918-09-26:	Sept. 26-Nov. 11, 1918 - Battle Of The Argonne	
59. 1918-11-11:	Armistice Signed	
60. 1926-07-02:	July 2, 1926 - Army Air Corps Created	
61. 1927-05-20:	May 20-21, 1927 - Lindbergh Lies Atlantic	
62. 1930:	1930 - Pluto Discovered	
63. 1941-12-07:	Dec. 7, 1941 - Bombing Of Pearl Harbor        

Oct. 12, 1492
1..Columbus Finds New Lands

Sept. 25, 1513
2..Balboa Discovers Pacific

December 1607
3..Pocahontas and John Smith

Dec. 21, 1620
4..Pilgrims Land At Plymouth

5..First American Iron Works

Mar. 4, 1681

Jul. 6, 1699
7..Captain Kidd Seized

April 24, 1704
8..First Newspaper

Sep. 22, 1711
9..Tuscarora Indian War

10..Boston Light House

11..Faneuil Hall

Dec. 16, 1773
12..Boston Tea Party

13..Early Submarine

March 10, 1775
14..Daniel Boone

Dec. 16, 1773
15..Paul Revere's Ride

June 17, 1775
16..Battle of Bunker Hill

July 4, 1776
17..Declaration of Independence

Jun. 14, 1777
18..American Flag Adopted

Jun. 14, 1777
19..Invention Of Cotton Gin

Sep. 18, 1793
20..Capitol Building Started

March 16, 1802
21..West Point Established

May 2, 1803
22..Louisiana Purchase Treaty

Aug. 17, 1807
23..The First Steamboat

Oct. 26, 1825
24..Erie Canal Completed

25..Covered Wagon

March 6, 1836
26..Battle Of The Alamo

Oct. 16, 1846
27..Early Use Of Anaesthetic

Jan. 24, 1848
28..California Gold Discovery

Aug. 27, 1859
29..Oil Discovered

April 3, 1860
30..Pony Express

March 9, 1862
31..Merrimac - Monitor Battle

Jan. 1, 1863
32..Emancipation Proclamatio

Nov. 19, 1863
33..Gettysburg Address

April 9, 1865
34..General Lee Surrenders

April 14, 1865
35..Lincoln Assassinated

Nov. 19, 1863
36..Last Seaport Surrenders

July 27, 1866
37..Atlantic Cable

March 30, 1867
38..Alaska Purchase

March 10, 1876
39..First Telephone Message

Sept. 4, 1886
40..Geronimo Captured

Oct. 28, 1886
41..Statue Of Liberty

March 11-14, 1888
42..Great Blizzard Of '88

Nov. 28, 1895
43..First U.S. Auto Race

April 23, 1896
44..First Movie

? ? ? ?
45..? ? ? ?

April 22, 1898
46..Rough Riders

May 1, 1898
47..Dewey Takes Manila Bay

Dec. 17, 1903
48..First Airplane Flight