Atlantic Highlands High School
"A few of our Sports Heroes"
Coach Arnie Truex - '37 - '38
Coach James Egidio - '37 - '50
Coach "Roxy" Finn - '48 - '62
Charlie Mills '49
Spencer Sterling Keyes '51
Richard "Dick" Kleva '52
Vincent Geraldi '54
Jim Hudson '54
Charlie Hart (54-55-56 basketball)
Joe Ash '56
Jack Seeley '57
Greg Heath '58
Additional names appreciated

Coach Arnie Truex - '37- '38

Coach James Egidio - '37- '50

Coach "Roxy" Finn - '48 - '62

Charlie Mills '49

Spencer Sterling Keyes '51

Richard "Dick" Kleva '52
AHHS sports - 3-letter - 1950 (football, basketball, baseball)
AHHS sports - 3-letter - 1951 (football, basketball, baseball)
AHHS sports - 3-letter - 1952 (football, basketball, baseball)
1959 - Asst Coach - Red Bank Catholic
1969 - Coach of the Year - Middletown Township H. S.

Vincent Geraldi '54

Jim Hudson '54

Charlie Hart 1937-2002
photos &

AHHS basketball star -1954-55-56
Shore Conference All-Shore Basketball - 1954
AHHS basketball JV coach - 1958
Croydon Hall - 1956 (2 years)
Clemson University, SC (prior 1959) St Michaels College - 1959-1961 (2 years)
U.S. Coast Guard (mid 60s - 1970)

Joe Ash '56

Jack Seeley '57
A.H.H.S. scholar Jack Seeley, Class of 1957,
using his A.H.H.S. baseball experience
and general sports knowledge
served with distinction
at our successor school, Henry Hudson,
as teacher, coach and Athletic Director
1973 - 1998

Greg Heath '58