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email moderator Tom Boblitt
ACC designations - - U
UM-2 - Actresses (Tack Co.)
UM-22 - Robin Hood (Johnson & Johnson)
UM-27 - Lindberg Model Kit Cards
UM-34 - Lionel Trains
UO-1 - Aeroplanes - Tydol
UO-2 - Airplanes - Richfield Oil
UO-5 - Antique Auto Cards - Signal Oil
UO-6 - Old Auto Prints - Cities Service
UO-23 - Man Made Wonders
UO-33 - Victory Album - Hi-Speed Gas
UO-52 -Stamps of the West
UO-64 - Race to Treasure Island
UO-66 - Penny Cards
UO-67 - All Amer Space Fleet
Motion Picture Stars (Manford Stryker)
Pathe Serial Cards
Shmoo Trading Cards