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Moderator Tom Boblitt
Donut Corp of America
Thrilling Moments in the Lives of Famous Americans - D146
Total in set: 72 18 on a box, 6 on 3 sides of the box
Boxes cames in four colors - red, yellow, blue and green

Checklisted by Color - Data copied from Todd Riley's site
A Famous Deep Sea Diver	             Edward Ellsberg  B 
A Famous Fighter Of Early Days	     John L. Sullivan  B 
A Football Hero Undying Fame	     Red Grange  B 
America's First Great Naturalist     Fougere Audubon  B 
An Electrical Wizard Of Yesterday    Charles P. Steinmetz  B 
Descended 1400 Feet Into The Ocean   William Beebe  B 
Fought A Vain But Glorious Battle    General Custer  B 
He Captured 125 SoldiersSingleHanded Alvin C. York  B 
He Caught The S.O.S. Of Tragic Titanic  David Sarnoff  B 
He Was "Balloon Buster" Of The World WarFrank Luke  B 
He Was "Stonewall" Of The Civil War	Stonewall Jackson  B  
He Wrote Our National Anthem	        Francis Scott Key  B 
His Golden Spike Linked Oceans Together	Leland Stanford  B 
The Hero Of A Thrilling Shark Story	Dr. Victor Heiser  B 
The Hero Of Many Polar Adventures	Captain Bob Bartlett  B 
The Inventor Of The Telegraph	        Samuel B. Morse  B 
The Man Who Laid First Atlantic Cable   Cyrus W. Field  B 
Washington's Soldiers Changed Her Name	Molly Pitcher  B 
A Famous General Of Revolutionary War     Mad Anthony Wayne  R 
A Hero Of The Spanish-American War        Richard Hobson  R 
Aviation's Brightest Star	          Chas. A. Lindbergh  R 
He Brought The Lost Battalion Safely Back Major Wittlesby  R 
He Climbed Back To Win A Great Fight      Jack Dempsey  R  
He Flew Around The World In 8 Days	  Wiley Post  R 
He Regretted He Had Only One Life To Give His Country Nathan Hale  R 
He Won His Fame In The Wild West Days	  Buffalo Bill  R 
Many Times The National Golf Champ	  Glenna Collett  R 
One Of The Greatest Indian Chiefs	  Chief Black Hawk  R 
She Soloed Both The Atlantic And Pacific  Amelia Earheart Putnam  R 
She Was A Militant Pioneer For ProhibitionCarrie Nation  R 
The Hero Of The Manilla Bay	          Admiral George Dewey  R  
The Master Tennis Player Of All Time      Bill Tilden  R 
This Inventor's Name Is A Household Word    Alexander Bell  R 
Texas Honored Him As Her First U.S. Senator Sam Houston  R 
The First Man To Reach The North Pole	    Admiral Robert Peary  R  
The Football World Will Never Forget Him    Knute Rockne  R 
A Famous "Ace" Of The Air	       Jimmy Doolittle  Y 
A Pioneer Of The Old West	       John Charles Freemont  Y 
Asked For Death Without Liberty	       Patrick Henry  Y 
Beloved Baseball Idol Of All Boys      Babe Ruth  Y 
Famous Because Priscilla Preferred Another Capt. Miles Standish  Y 
Famous Pioneer Brothers Of Aviation    Wright Brothers  Y 
He Brings Them Back Alive	       Frank Buck  Y 
He Built The Panama Canal	       George W. Goethals  Y  
He Gave Us "Little America"	       Admiral Richard E. Byrd  Y 
His Ride Through The Night Is History  Paul Revere  Y 
Loved As Teddy By Us All	       Theodore Roosevelt  Y 
Noted Scout And Alamo Hero	       Davie Crockett  Y 
Our Great Army Leader In The World War John J. Pershing  Y 
Our Greatest President Of Civil War Days Abraham Lincoln  Y 
Started The Gold Rush To Californi     James W. Marshall  Y 
The Most Noted Name In Steel	       Andrew Carnegie  Y 
The World Cheered Her Channel Swim     Gertrude Ederle  Y 
To Her We Owe Our Flag	               Betsy Ross  Y 
A Famous Auto Racing Star	       Barney Oldfield  G 
A Noted American Killed In A Duel      Alexander Hamilton  G 
African Jungles Were Like Home To Him  Carl Akeley  G 
America's Ace In The World War	Capt.  Eddie Rickenbacker  G 
First In War First In Peace	Geo.   Washington  G 
He Gave The Steamship To The World     Robert Fulton  G 
He Helped Teach Us How To Laugh	       Will Rogers  G 
He Won The "Grand-Slam" Of Golf        Robert "bobby" Jones  G 
He Wrote The Declaration Of Independence  Thomas Jefferson  G 
Nothing Could Stop This Champion	  Glenn Cunningham  G 
She Saved The Declaration Of Independence Dolly Madison  G 
The Father Of The United States Navy	  John Paul Jones  G 
The Greatest Inventor Of All Time	  Thomas Alva Edison  G 
The Indians Respected This Famous Scout   Daniel Boone  G 
The Name Of This Early America Is World Famous	Benjamin Franklin  G 
The Nation Cheered His Stirring Victories Earl Sande  G 
This Admiral Opened The Door To Japan	  Admiral M.C. Perry  G 
This Indian Chief Made History	          Sitting Bull  G