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Moderator Tom Boblitt
Armour Cloverbloom 99 margarine
and Delrich Margarine
Davy Crocket Magic Moving Pictures- F129
set of 32 cards
Todd Riley
Ken Bush
Greg Geyer
Jerry BannisterBill Oliver

Todd Riley's description
This series of cards originally came as a long strip with
 2 double sided trading cards, a viewer, and a lens mechanism. 
The cards depict Davy in various action sequences. 
The viewer uses the 3-D (red lens/blue lens) technique in a
 different way. Instead of creating a 3-D image, the viewer 
is designed to see only a single color image with both eyes.
 You then slide the lens mechanism to the other color while 
still looking through the viewer, giving the scene motion. 
A similar series (not starring Davy) was issued by 
New Delrich Margarine around the same time.

Checklist for Panels 1 through 8
1 Davy Crockett Kills A Bear / Davy Crockett Arrives At The Alamo
1 Defending The Alamo / Davy Crockett Escapes From The Indians

2 Davy Crockett Fights An Alligator / Davy Crossing A River On A Raft
2 Davy Crockett Fights An Indian / Hand To Hand Battle At The Alamo

3 Davy Crockett Lassoes a Wild Horse / Davy Crockett Kills a Rattlesnake
3 Davy Crockett Shooting Buffalo / Davy Crockett Cleans "Old Betsy"

4 Heading Into Indian Territory / Davy Delivers The Payroll By Stagecoach
4 Davy "Beats Off" An Indian / A Friendly Indian

5 Davy Defending The Alamo /Davy Crockett Heads West
5 Indian War Dance / Davy Crockett Fights An Indian

6 Davy Crockett Makes Peace With Indians / Cutting Trees For A Fort
6 Meal Time Out West / Davy Crockett Shoots A Bear

7 Davy Shoots a Panther/Indians Set Fire to a Fort
7 Davy Crockett Surprises an Indian/Davy Crocket - Target Practice

8 Indians Attacking A Wagon Train / Indian Smoke Signal
8 Davy Crockett Defending The Alamo / Davy Crockett - Creek Indian War

Panel 1 cards

Panel 2 cards

Panel 3 cards

Panel 4 cards

Both Panels - 8

Panel 8 cards