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to Dan Calandriello

Roger Nisly
... Baseball Cards
Set of 24 --- 1950

1. Stan Musial

2. Pee Wee Reese

3. George Kell

4. Dom DiMaggio

5. Warren Spahn

6. Andy Pafko

7. Andy Seminick

8. Lou Brissie

9. Ewell Blackwell

10. Bobby Thomson

11. Phil Rizzuto

12. Tommy Henrich

13. Joe Gordon

14. Ray Scarborough

15. Stan Rojek

16. Luke Appling

17. Willard Marshall

18. Alvin Dark

19. Dick Sisler

20. Johnny Ostrowski

21. Virgil "Fire" Trucks

22. Eddie Robinson

23. "Manny" Fernandez

24. Ferris Fain