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Moderator Tom Boblitt
H611 and Unclassified issues
Battle Scenes
Chris Watson
Bill Oliver
Todd Riley
Jeff Forteza

 01  Bombardment of Fort Sumter  
 02  Foote Supporting Assault on Fort Donelson 
 03  Morgan’s Great Raid 
 04  Merrimac Ramming the Cumberland... 
 05  Pickett’s Charge in the Battle of Gettysburg  
 06  Ram Abemarle  
 07  Sherman at Atlanta  
 08  Stonewall Jackson at Chancellorsville 
 09  The Assault on Fort Donelson  
 10  The Black Horse Cavalry at Bull Run  
 11  Attack On Federal Camp Shiloh 
 12  Farragut Passing The Forts 
 13  Grant At Missionary Ridge 
 14  Grant's Interview With Pemberton, Vicksburg  
 15  Monitor and Merrimac  
 16  Thomas Reinforced By Granger At Chickamauga 

The Assault on Fort Donelson

Attack On Federal Camp Shiloh

The Black Horse Cavalry at Bull Run

Bombardment of Fort Sumter

Farragut Passing The Forts

Foote Supporting Assault on Fort Donelson

Grant At Missionary Ridge

The Black Horse Cavalry at Bull Run

Merrimac Ramming the Cumberland

Monitor and Merrimac

Merrimac Ramming the Cumberland

Merrimac Ramming the Cumberland

Pickett’s Charge in the Battle of Gettysburg

Sherman at Atlanta

Stonewall Jackson at Chancellorsville

Thomas Reinforced By Granger At Chickamauga