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email moderator Tom Boblitt
N156 and N158
Duke Honest Long Cut
War Photographs - N156 / N158
N156 - Set of 13 Military Leaders
N158 - Set of 15 Warships
Eric Beachley
Tom Boblitt
Roger Clark
David Epps
Jeff Forteza
Bob Forbes
Bill Humphreys
Roger Nisly
Bill Oliver
David Sissel

Military Leaders - 13

1 Rear Adm. Dewey

2 Capt Bob Evans

3 Lt Hobson

4 Lt Holmes

5 Capt Lee

6 Gen Merritt

7 Maj Gen Miles

8 Roosevelt

9 Rear Adm. Sampson

10 Com. Schley

11 Maj Gen Shafter

12 Capt Sigsbee

13 Gen Wheeler

Warships - 15

1 Atlanta

2 Baltimore

3 Boston

4 Brooklyn

5 Charleston

6 Chicago

7 Indiana

8 Iowa

9 Maine

10 Miantonoh

11 New York

12 Olympia

13 Philadelphia

14 San Francisco

15 Vesuvius