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email moderator Tom Boblitt
Duke Actresses - N96
Checklist matching
World Tade Index

01 - yellow top, looking up 
02 - blue and red dress
03 - lounging, resting on her right hand
04 - gold and pink dress golden long gloves
05 - flowery green dress
06 - flower hat purplish suit
07 - low cut green dress with rusticc topping
08 - dress ith beads adorned over red section
09 - red cap, gold bracelets
10 - green and white  dress, gold arm bands
11 - light yellow hat with pin band - green yellow dress
12 - green and red dress
13 - red dress with blackish green top
14 - garnished green hat, fur collar
15 - yellow cap, yellow shawl
16 - multi colored hat, yellow suit jacket
17 - blue cap. flowing blond hair, pink shirt
18 - multi colored hatand blue dress
19 - pyramid shap hat, white/gold/blue dress
20 - hat with goldtrinkets, neck jewelry
21 - red cap,blue/gold neckware. white vest
22 - gold hat with two fethers, blue neckware
23 - blue hat with red feather,red/blue/green jacket
24 - yellow hat with pink bow, red and pink jacket
25 - long yellow gloves holding puppy