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Views of Hershey Town - E257
Set of 50 post cards
... Contributor
Bill Oliver
Niall Malcolmson

Incomplete checklist
01 A Hershey Herd In Clover
02 A Recreation Spot	
03 A Section Of One Of Oue Large Finishing Rooms	 
04 A Section Of One Of The Finishing Rooms	 
05 A Shady Nook In Hershey Park	
06 A View In Hershey
07 Bathing at Hershey PA	 
08 Children's Playgrounds - Hershey PA	
09 Garage And Livery	
10 Golf Club House And Section Of Course
11 Good Times in Hershey PA
12 Herhey High School
13 Hershey Industrial School	
14 Hersey Park Rustic Bridge	
15 Hershey Inn
16 Hershey Station - Hershey PA	 
17 Hershey YMCA & Gymnasium
18 Home of the Hershey Chocolate Co.
19 Interior View of One of Our Large Sanitary Barns
20 Just a Sample of Farm Buildings	
21 Lunch Rooms	
22 Made On The Farm	
23 Milking Time	
24 Old Homestead Farm
25 One of Our Sanitary Barns	
26 One Of The Many Herds 
27 One of The Many Herds
28 One Of The Numerous Herds
29 Our Cocoa Roasters
30 Open Air Theatre in Hershey Park
31 Our Cocoa Roosters
32 Pic-nic Day At Hershey Park	
33 Power Plant	
34 Scene In Hershey Park 
35 Scene In Hershey Park 
36 Scene In Hershey Park - Hershey PA	 	
37 Some of the Amusements in Hershey Park
38 View Of The Swatara