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Moderator Tom Boblitt
American Caramel Co.
Prize Fighters - E77

set - 24 cards
Contributors - Bill Oliver and Greg McClay

1 - Abe Attell

2 - Tommy Burns

3 - Johnny Coulon

4 - Jem Driscoll

5 -Young Erne

6 - Sandy Ferguson

7 - Porky Flynn

8 - Frank Gotch

9 - Hackenschmidt

10 - Leo Houck

11 - Jack Johnson

12 - Al Kaufman
and Jack Johnson

13 - Al Kaufman

14 - Benny Kaufman

15 - Stanley Ketchel

16 - Sam Langfod

17 - Harry Lewis

18 - Packy McFarland

19 - Owen Moran

20 - Bat Nelson
and Ad Wolgast

21 - Jack O'Brien

22 - Billy Papke

23 - Ad Wolgast

24 - Ad Wolgast
and Bat Nelson