Kimball - Goddesses of the Greeks and Romans
N188 - Checklist
1 Aglaia
2 Amphritite
3 Astraea
4 Atropos
5 Auropa
6 Bellona
7 Calliope
8 Ceres
9 Clio
10 Cybele
11 Diana
12 Erato
13 Euphrosyne
14 Euterpe
15 Fama
16 Fatum
17 Fauna
18 Flora
19 Flora Aestiva
20 Flora Automnalia
21 Fortuna
22 Hebe
23 Hegemone
24 Hekate
25 Hygiea
... 26 Iris
27 Juno
28 Justitia
29 Klotko
30 Lachesis
31 Leukothea
32 Luna
33 Meditrina
34 Melpomane
35 Minerva
36 Mnemosyne
37 Nox
38 Pax
39 Polyhymnis
40 Pomona
41 Proserpina
42 Psyche
43 Suadela
44 Thalia
45 Terpsichore
46 Terra
47 Urania
48 Venus
49 Vesta
50 Victoria