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Moderator Tom Boblitt
.... George F Young & Bros.
Little Rhody Cut Plug
Actresses & Celebrities - N660
N660 Type 3 - newly discovered
Maude Adams (right profile) small
Minnie Ashly 
Felicia Baranco (H&S)  small
Felicia Baranco (full) small
Billie Barlow 
Miss Bay 
Florence Bell
Belle Black  small
Group from "Black Crook"  small
Anna Boyd   small
Ethel Browne
Ethel Browning
Amy Busby   small
Mlle. Capitaine   small
Ada Dare
Sadie Dean  larger
Dorothy Denning 
Alice Evans   small
Cissy Fitzgerald (no hat)   small
Cissy Fitzgerald (F, raised skirt)  small
Della Fox (4th diff. image - F, LH on cheek) - 
Della Fox (5th diff. image - F, LH behind head) 
Della Fox (6th diff. image -in "Fleur-de-Lis" )
Sylvia Gerrish (2nd image - LH at shoulder)
Sylvia Gerrish (3rd image - reclining on rock)
Grace Golden  small                  ). 
Virginia Harned  small
Virginia Harned  full
Hattie Harvey
Mlle Jessika
Miss Jones (full)  larger
Jennie Joyce (RH on head)  
Jennie Joyce (3rd diff. image - right profile)  
Jennie Joyce (F, looking down)  small
Mme. Judic
Madge Lessing  small
Lillian Lewis  small
Miss Mantell  small
Helen Marlborough
Julia Marlow  small
Miss Mather
Louise Montague (full)  larger
Mlle Naretti
Anna O'Keefe
Clara Palmer
Miss Palmer  
Jennie Praeger 
Lizzie B. Raymond  small
Fanny Rice (3rd diff. image - F, standing) 
May Robson
Lillian Russell - H&S, no hat
Lillian Russell - Large Hat, Facing Front 
Jeannette St. Henry
Laura Schirmer-Mapleson - Arms Out at Sides 
Laura Schirmer-Mapleson - Hands on Hips 
Annie St. Tel
Amelia Summerville as "Trilby." small
Annie Sutherland 
Mlle. Tamzap  larger
Ellaline Terriss  small
Vesta Tilley 
Carrie Wallace
Yolande Wallace (right profile)  small
Yolande Wallace (leaning w/hat & dress) small
Yolande Wallace (peeking from behind raised skirt) 
Fanny Ward (LH raised) small
Fanny Ward (holding sword)  small
Fanny Ward (3/4, LH behind head)  larger
Bertha Waring  small
Sophie Witt