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Vintage Non-Sports Cards
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College Pennant Stick Pins - P32

Set of ? - circa 1900
Size - 1 1/4"
Jeff Forteza
Bill Oliver

1  Alabama
2  Amherst
3  Arkansas
4  Brooklyn Poly
5  Brown
6  California
7  U of Chicago
8  U of Colorado
9  Columbia
10 Cornell
11 Denver
12 Florida
13 Geo. Washington
14 Georgetown
15 Geo. Tech
16  Harvard
17  Illinois
18  Indiana
19  Kentucky
20  U of Michigan
21  U of Minnesota
22  Missouri
23  Navy
24  Northwestern
25  N. Y. U.
26  Oklahoma
27  U of P (Pennsylvania)
28  Princeton
29  Rochester
30  Rutgers
31  Sewanee
32  South Carolina
33  Syracuse
34  Tennessee
35  Texas
36  Tufts
37  Tulane
38  Union
39  Vermont
40  Washington & Lee
41  W. V. U.
42  Williams
43  Wisconsin
44  Yale

Brown (need)