R1 Action Gum
R2 Advntre Pictures
R3 Army, Navy, Marines
R4 Advtrs of Smilin Jack
R5 Aeroplns Wischmann
R6 African Animal Jig
R7 Airplane Pictures
R8-1 Peco Airplanes '30s
R8-2 Peco Airplanes '40s
R9 Airplane Pictures

R10 Airplns,Cameron Sls
R11 Allies in Action
R12 America at War
R13-1 American G-Men
R13-2 American G-Men
R14 Amer. Hist. Charctrs
R15 Animals
R16 Animal Quiz Cards
R17-1 & R17-2 .Insignias
R18 ArmyNavyAirCorps

R19 Auto Lic. Plates'36
R19 Auto Lic. Plates'37
R19 Auto Lic. Plates'38
R19 Auto Lic. Plates'39
R20 Battleship Gum
R21 Believe It or Not
R22-1 Chief Wahoo
R22-2 Chief Wahoo Defns
R23 Big Little Book Ser
R24 Big Thrill Booklets

R25 Thrilling Stories
R26 Boy Scouts Gum
R27 Cartoon Comics
R28 Cartoon Adventures
R29 Century of Progress
R30-1 Chic. World Fair
R31 College Pennants
R32 ComicGumBoxCds
R33 ComicGumWraps
R34 Commando Ranger

R35 Comic Pictures
R36 Cops and Robbers
R36 Cops Robbers Ev.Tabs
R37 Crime Did Not Pay
R38 Comic Faces
R39 Dare Devils
R40 Defending America
R41 Dick Tracy
R42 Dick Tracy (Novel)
R43-1 Doughboys
R43-2 Minute Men
R43-3 Troupers
R43-4 Yanks
R44 Don't Let It Happen
R45 Dopey Dominos
R46 Fam Mom in Amer Hst
R47 Shelby Fighting Planes
R48-1/R48-2 Film Funnies
R49 Flag Gum
R50 First Colum Defenders

R51 Flags (Wilburs)
R52 Flags of Nations
R53 Fleer Funnies
R54 The Foreign Legion
R55 Frank Buck
R56 Funnies
R57 Puzzles & Tricks
R58 Generals & Their Flags
R59 American Beauties
R60 G-Men Heroes...Law

R61 Gov't Agts Pub Enms
R62 Guess What
R63 Guess Who
R65 History of Aviation
R66 Heroes of Prl Hrbr
R67 Heroes of the Sea -
R68 Hollywood Stars
R69 Horrors of War
R70 Humpty Dumpty
R71 Hunted Animals

R72 I'm Going To Be
R73 Indian Gum'30
R73 IG -Master Set of 432
R74 Indian Gum Prem
R75 Indns,Cwbys,Wstrn
R76 In History's Spotlight
R77 .Games & Puzzles
R78 Jungle Gum
R79 .Leader Discs
R80 League of Nations
R81 Limericks (Pulver)

R82 Little Henry
R83 Lone Ranger
R83A Lone Ranger Prems
R84 Magic Candy (Collins
R85 Magic Tricks (Glenn)
R86 Magic Tricks Booklets
R87 Make Faces (Milkes)
R88 Matchem (Milkes)
R89 Mickey Mouse
R90.M.Mouse Movie Stars
R91 Minute Biographies
R92 Movie Stars
R93 Movie Stars
R94-1 Movie Scenes
R94-2 Movie Scenes
R95 Movie Stars
R96-1 Movie Stars
R96-1b Movie Stars
R96-3 Movie Stars
R97-2 Movie Gum
R98 U.S. Warships

R99 Nightmare of Wrfr
R100 Noahs Ark
R102 Novelties
R103 Action Pictures
R104 Nut Snax
R105 Pee Wee Says
R106 Phys Cult Lessons
R107 Peco Anml Alphabet
R108 Pulver Pictures

R109 Pirate Pictures
R110 Pirate Treasure
R111 Wool Candy Cards
R112-7 Sqdrn Insignias
R112-10 Air Sqdrn Insignias
R112-12 BombingExercises
R113 Popeye Comic Fld
R114 American Heroes
R115 Jig Saw Presidents
R116 Presidents - Ind. Gum
R117 Presidents - Amer. Chicle
R118 Play Bucks

R119 Puzzles & Tricks
R120 Remember Prl Hrbr
R121 Scharley Questions
R122 Screen Snappies
R123 Sealcraft Discs
R124 Sea Raiders
R125 Secret Service Flshs
R126 Second World War
R127 Ser of 24 - Navy
R128-1 Ser of 48 - Western

R128-2 Ser of 48 - Western
R129 Ser of 48 - Amer. Hist
R130 Ser of 48 - Western
R131 Ser of 48 - Western
R132 Aviation Ser
R133 Movie Stars
R134 Movie Stars
R135 Beautiful Ships
R136 Sky Birds (Nat Chic)
R137 Sky Birds (Goudey)
R138 Smilin Jack
R139 Soldiers (Rosan)
R140 Soldiers (Krat Bros)
R141 Soldiers of the World
R142 Soldier Boys
R144 Strange True Stories
R145 Superman
R146 Superman (Leader)
R147 Tarzan, Crystal Vault
R149 Tilo (anon)

R150 Time Marches On
R151 Tom Mix Booklets
R152 Tootsie Circus
R153 Box Car(s)
R154 Transfer Pictures
R155 Magic Cards
R156 True Spy Stories
R157 Uncle Sam
R158 UncleSam HomeDefs
R159-1 Univ Animals

R159-2 Univ Comic Jokes
R159-3 Univ Pioneer Days
R159-4 Univ Western Trails
R160 Victory Cards
R161 Walt Disney Comics
R162 Walt Disney Pictures
R163 War Series
R164 War Gum
R165 War News Pictures
R166 Combat - Lion Spec.

R167 U.S. War Planes
R168 War Scenes
R169 Warships
R170 Warr. of the Wrld
R171 What's This
R172 Wild West-Gum,Inc
R173 World In Arms
R174 World War Gum
R175 World War II Prem
R176 Yellow Kid (Pulver)

R177 Zoom Airplanes
UNC Zoom Airplane Discs
R179 U-Match-Em
R180 Heads Up Gum
R181 Darby Picture Pzls
R182 Magic Fortune Cards (Dietz)
R183 Mgic Box of Tricks
R184 Indian Strips
R185 Ser of 48 - Western
R186 Wings (Am.Chicle)
R187 Guess What
R188 Games & Pzls
R189 Tintype Post Cards
R190 America's Dfndrs
R191 Big Alarm
R192 Soldiers and Sailors
R194 OurGangCrcsPzle
R195 Quiz (Shelby
R196 Radio Gum
R197 Movie Stars (Blatz)
R198 Rnbw Radio Rscls

R199 Ray-O-Print
R200 C. McCarthy Pops
R202 Firemen Pictures
R203 How-To-Do Cards
R204 Folicemen Pictures
R205 Quiz (Williamson)
R206 Fleer Masks
R207 Golden West
R209 Know Em Charts
R210 Trio Gum Prsdnts

R212 Magic Cards of Knowledge

R215 Majic Fold
R218 Motion Picture Stars
R224 Presidents (Gold Bond)
R225 Story of Wings
R227 Battle Series
R230 Numerology Stories
R308-1 Tattoo Orbit
R308-3 Play Money
R348.Sport Pictures
R800 Ships&Planes-Peco

Buck Barton
Famous Makers of Amer. Hist.
Mul-T-Toys (Milkes)
Mutt & Jeff Picture Series
Town Hall Village
War Zips
Whiz Bang (Fleer)
Zip (Disney Transfers)
Zip (more)(Disney Transfers)

Goudey BB Game
Oh Boy PointOfSale cds