Gum, Inc. Uncle Sam - R157 Checklist
(Scroll down for the R158 checklist)
1 You're in the Army Now
2 Drill with Arms
3 Learning to Shoot
4 Sham Bayonet Charge
5 Gas Discipline
6 The Infantry's Supreme Duty
7 Parachute Troops
8 Field Artillery
9 Anti-Aircraft Crew
10 The Armored Force
11 Field Maneuvers
12 How to Tell an Officer's Rank
13 The Training Station
14 Semaphore Signals
15 Salute to Authority
16 Over the Bounding Main
17 On Watch
18 Navigation
19 Knots and Hitches
20 Man Overboard!
21 Fire and Sea
22 Abandon Ship!
23 Target Practice with the Turret Guns
24 War at Sea
25 What is a Marine?
26 Wall Scaling and Marine Recruit Depot
27 Shore Rifle Practice
28 Turned over for Duty
29 Shore Duty
30 Sea Duty
31 On Foreign Soil
32 Gunners and Secondary Batteries
33 The Landing Party
34 Landing Force in Attack
35 Jungle Expedition
36 Telling the Marines
37 Can You Take It?
38 Flight Instruction
39 Use of the Chute
40 Take-offs and Landings
41 Gunnery in the Air Corps
42 Stunts in Combat
43 Formation Flying
44 Blind Flying
45 Learning to Dive-Bomb
46 Torpedo Bombing
47 Air Photography
48 Planes at Sea
49 Digging In
50 Barbed Wire Tactics
51 Parachute Attack
52 Ski Troops and Patrols
53 Engineers Building Bridge
54 Cavalry Charge
55 Life on a Submarine
56 Submarine Dive Drill
57 Loading a Submarine with Torpedoes
58 Submarine Torpedo Practice
59 Submarine Battle Drill
60 Abandon Submarine Drill
61 Keeping Fit
62 Motor Convoy Drivers
63 Field Radio
64 Riot Duty
65 National Disasters
66 Machine Gun Practice
67 Catapult Take-off
68 Laying a Smoke Screen
69 Safety Measures
70 The Side Slip
71 The Bombardier
72 Men with Wings
73 Streamlined Drill
74 Guard Duty
75 Rifle Air Defense
76 Crew of Pygmy Scout Car
77 Anti-Tank Team
78 Jujutsu for Military Police
79 Carrying the Wounded
80 Destroyer Duty
81 Inspection Aboard Destroyer
82 Destroyer Torpedo Drill
83 School for Divers
84 Blinker Signals
85 Cargo Net Landing
86 Forming an Ammunition Lane
87 Trench Construction
88 Pitching Hand Grenades
89 Marine Mountain Battery
90 Marine Sky Troops
91 The Loop
92 Prone Defense Gunner
93 High Altitude Pilots
94 Bomber Rescue Raft Tactics
95 Patrol Duty
96 Night Bomber

Gum, Inc. Uncle Sam Home Defense - R158 Checklist
97 The Office of Civilian Defense
98 Auxiliary Fire Corps
99 Auxiliary Police
100 Air Raid Warden
101 Messengers
102 Women's Duties
103 Children's Duties
104 Enlisting Home Guard
105 Home Guard Rifle Practice
106 Spot Wardens
107 Medical Corps
108 Drivers Corps
109 Auxiliary Coast Guard
110 Amateur Radio Station Volunteers
111 Civilian Information about Bombs
112 Test Blackout
113 Protecting Windows and Doors
114 Civilian Type Gas Mask
115 Gas Decontamination
116 Home Shelter Room
117 Steel Shelter
118 Public Shelter
119 Civilian Pilot Reserve
120 Keep Em Flying
121 Control and Report Centers
122 The Aircraft Warning Net
123 Hale America
124 Family Unit
125 Individual defense against incendiary bombs
126 Lighting Supervision
127 Dispersing School Children
128 Fire Watcher
129 Bomb Squad
130 Training First Aid Instructors
131 First Aid Stations
132 Light Rescue Party
133 Heavy Rescue Party
134 Rescue Trucks
135 Factory Protection Squads
136 Use of Portable Fire Pumps
137 Mobile Food Unit
138 Road Repair Crew
139 Demolition Crew
140 Emergency Food and Housing
141 Preventing Disease
142 Guarding Water Supplies
143 Pigeon Raising for Defense
144 Women Fliers in Defense