Transcription of the Gum Inc. letter shown to the right

May 27, 1933

Replying to your complaint regarding the scarcity
of No. 25 Cards, we would ask that you kindly bear in mind
the fact that it would be a financial impossibility for us
to include a Cowboy Outfit with every box of gum, inasmuch
as the gum costs you approximately .65 per box of 100 pieces
and the outfit costs us .80 You can, therefore, see why it
would be impractical as well as impossible for us to give an
outfit with every box of gum.

Our aim in putting out this outfit was not as a
prize or premium -- it was simply a little something extra
for children to secure and for your information as well as
the information of any other merchants whom you may know, we
have distributed approximately 10,000 of these suits since
March 10th, and a great number of these outfits have been sent
into the Massachusetts section.

We are enclosing three No,25 Cards which you may dis-
tribute as you see fit. Kindly bear in mind the fact that other
people outside yourself have been fair and honest in their
dealings also and it is our aim to be this way in all dealings
which we may have of a business nature.

Thanking you for your letter, we are
Yours very truly,

By A. J. O'Brien
Sales Manager