Goudey Gum, Boston, Mass entered into a massive undertaking in 1933.

While entrenched in the World War Gum and Indian gum issues, large
resources were allocated for their Boy Scout Gum set, named Some Boy Gum.

After an agreement was reached with BSA (Boy Scouts of America), 48 cards
were created in a manner that should have brought boy scouts into the world
of gum card collecting.

Scouting Magazine ran a front page layout (Oct, '33) and two different
display ads were placed in Boys Life magazine (Oct & Nov '33)
No magazine ads have been found after November 1933.

The only known ephemera connected to Some Boy Gum is a Sales Booklet.
Thought to be created for Goudey salemen (and possible sales outlets), it
was an elaborate undertaking, containing a window display, one
advertising folder, a copy of two page Scouting Sales Layout
and a 23 page sales pitch.

According to one Goudey employee, the Some Boy Gum issue was the only
Goudey Gum card issue that resulted in a monetary loss.
No reason was given and the above hasn't been substantiated.

Link to the original Goudey Some Boy Trademark

View the SALES BOOK 23 page salespitch and the two page Scouting Sales Layout.
View the SALES BOOK "window" display.
View the SALES BOOK large advertising folder.

Link to the Some Boy-R26 webpage

Link to the magazine images.