01 Aspirina, If You Throw Dis White Rock into the Red Sea - What ...?
02 Aspirina Kin Yo. Tell Me Why De Elephant Is Like A Movin. Wagon?
03 Aspirina, What Can Yo. Take All De Letters From and It Remains the Same?
04 Aspirina, What Is De Difference .Tween a Hose and a Chinaman?
05 Aspirina, What Is De Hardest Key to Turn?
06 Aspirina, What Goes Round a Button Buttin.?
01 Aspirina, If You Throw Dis White Rock into the Red Sea - What ...?
02 Aspirina Kin Yo. Tell Me Why De Elephant Is Like A Movin. Wagon?
03 Aspirina, What Can Yo. Take All De Letters From and It Remains the Same?
04 Aspirina, What Is De Difference .Tween a Hose and a Chinaman?
05 Aspirina, What Is De Hardest Key to Turn?
06 Aspirina, What Goes Round a Button Buttin.?
07 Aspirina, What Kind of Vegetables Does Yo. Uncle Tom Walk On?
08 Aspirina, What.s a Cat Got Dat No Other Animal Has?
09 Aspirina, What.s a Hot Time?
10 Aspirina, When Can Yo. Carry Water in a Sieve?
11 Aspirina, When Can Yo. Take All De Letters From And It Remains De Same?
12 Aspirina, When is a Fish Like a Bird?
13 Aspirina, When is a Man Like a Cannon Ball?
14 Aspirina, When is a Piano Good?
15 Aspirina, Where is De Cheapest Place to Buy Poultry?
16 Aspirina, Why Does a Sailor Know Dere.s a Man in De Moon?
17 Aspirina, Why is a Farmer Scairt to Plant Peas Durin. War?
18 Aspirina, Why is a Man Riding Up a Hill Like One Giving a Girl a Dog?
19 Aspirina, Why is a Sick Jew Like a Diamond?
20 Aspirina, Why is a Thief Called a Jail Bird?
21 Aspirina, Why is .D. Like a Sailor?
22 Cow, Does Yo. Know What Kind of Dog Lives in a Dog Star?
23 Exit, A Duck - A Frog and a Skunk Went to De Circus - Dey Needed...?
24 Exit, How Many Bugs Make a Landlord?
25 Exit, If Yo. Dawg Lost His Tail Where Would Yo. Get Him Another?
26 Exit, What Can Go Up a Chimney Down But Can.t Go Down the...?
27 Exit, What Canal is in Yo. Ear?
28 Exit, What Happened When De Train Ran Over De Peanut?
29 Exit, What Has No Head Or Tail
30 Exit, What is It Yo. Break by Just Naming it?
31 Exit, What Is De Best Thing To Put In Pies
32 Exit, What.s Black and White and Red Read All Over?
33 Exit, What.s De Difference Between a Cat and a Match?
34 Exit, What's The Best Way To Raise Strawberries?
35 Exit, Which is Faster - Heat or Cold?
36 Exit, Why is a Pencil Like a Bad Boy?
37 Exit, Why Caint a Person Starve on De Desert?
38 Exit, Why Does a Dawg Wear More Clothes in De Summer Than in Winter?
39 Exit, Why Does Yo. Laugh Up Yo. Sleeve?
*40 is Duplicate of 36 Exit, Why is A Pencil Like A Bad Boy
41 Exit, Why is a Stick of Candy Like a Race Horse?
42 Exit, Why is an Owl in the Daylight Like One of the Presidents?
43 Exit, Why is .F. Like a Cow.s Tail?
44 From What Word of Six Letters Can Yo. Take One and Have Twelve Left?
45 How Do You Make a Maltese Cross, Exit?
46 How Does Locomotives Hear, Aspirina?
47 If a Goat Swallered a Rabbit, What Would Happen, Aspirina?
48 If All De Seas Was Dried Up, What Would Old Neptune Say?
49 Tell Me Aspirina What.s De Diff.runce .Tween One Yard an. Two Yards?
50 What Do Yo. Break Just Naming It?
51 What Does a Smart Man Overlook, Aspirina?
52 What Five Letter Word Can Yo. Take Away Two Letters and One Remains?
53 What Has a Face But No Head - Hands But No Feet - Yet Goes ...?
54 What Has Eyes An. Can.t See?
55 What Is It Dat Yo Kin Feel An' Smell But Can.t See?
56 What One Letter in De Alphabet Will Spell .Potato.?
57 What State is Round at Both Ends An. High in De Middle?
58 What Word, If Yo. Take Away De First Letter, Will Make Yo. Sick?
59 What.s De Merriest Letter in De Alphabet, Aspirina?
60 When De Clock Strikes 13, What Time is It, Aspirina?
61 Why Can't The World Never Come To An End
62 Why Did Yo. Brother Call His Rooster .Robinson.?
63 Why Does a Cat Sleep Best in De Summer, Aspirina?
64 Why is De Number 9 Like a Peacock, Aspirina?
65 Why is a Rooster Sittin. on a Fence Like a Penny, Aspirina?
65 Plus 1 Tell Me Aspirina What Animals Grow on Grape Vines?
65 Plus 2 Aspirina, Why is I Like Flannel?
65 Plus 3 Exit, Why is a Spider a Good Letter Writer?
65 Plus 4