72 Justice Within The Arctic Circle
74 A Death Defying Pursuit
75 The Phantom Bandits Of The Pacific Coast
76 The Trail Of The Secret Symbols
77 Capturing the "Stinger" of the Underworld
79 Caging A Blonde Tigress
80 The Clue That Couldn't Be Drowned c
81 "Rubbing Out" The Sunday Gang
82 Sleeping Evidence
83 A Bullet-Collected Debt
84 Checkmating A Desperate Bank Robbing Gang
86 A Murdered Trooper Is Avenged
87 G-Men "Mop Up" The Barker-Karpis Gang
88 Target Of Death
89 The Flight Of The Black Duck
91 Grilling A Lying Gunman
92 Murder Committed By The Victims Hands
93 A Telltale Bullet Lands An Unsuspected Bandit Gang
94 G-Men Strike In The Dark
96 The End Of A Killer's Trail
97 G-Men Complete Their Record Catch
98 Vengeance Follows An Outlaw Gang
100 The Dragnet Snares Its Prey
101 The Capture Of The "Crank"
103 G-Men Answer Public Enemy Number-1
104 The Fingerprint's Confession!
106 Murder Without Motive
107 Trapping A "Cop Killer"
109 Fog Phantoms That Could Not Elude The Law
111 Justice Patrols The Arizona Border
112 The Mad Killer's Frozen Trail
114 Swift Pursuit
115 Binding The Beast
117 Torn Dollars
119 Machine Guns Foil A Get-Away At Alcatraz
120 Death Rides The Waves
121 G-Men Blot Out A Crime Career
123 Radio Eavesdrops on Crime!
125 Capturing The Killers Of The Hatchet-Gang
126 The Ape-Man Burglar
127 The Gallows Prey
128 The Terror Of The Mails!
129 Eyes That Betrayed A Human Spider
131 Smuggling On The Rio Grande
132 The Crime Teacher
135 A Murder Leaves Its Roadmap
136 A Bullet Finds And Frees
137 The Crime In The Mirror
139 A Killer's Last Stand
142 A Mountain Moonshine Murder
147 Duty Defied Death
149 A Desperate Crime At Sea
151 Death Among The Gravestones
155 A Rancher's Camera Eye
156 The Mask Of Death
158 Crime Telegraphs Its Loot