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to Dan Calandriello

G-Men - R60 - Gum Inc.
1 G-Men Riddle The Killer "Who Couldn't Be Caught"
2 G-Men Wipe Out Leaders of "Secret 10"
3 Capturing A Killer And His Gang
4 A Gamble With Death
5 A Midnight Graveyard Battle
6 A Shot From The Hip That Saved A Trooper's Life
7 A Trooper's Race With Death
8 A Trooper's Fight With Flame
9 Daring Bandits Get Their Just Deserts!
10 G-Men Track Down Notorious Public Enemy
11 G-Men Trap Wily Fugitives Across United States
12 A Treacherous Shot In The Dark
13 A Duel To The Death!
14 Foiling Four Wanted Killers!
15 A Mountain Cabin Gun-Fight
16 A Murderous Madman's Battle!
17 Sure Death Defied!
18 Shooting It Out With A Desperate Fugitive!
19 Two G-Men Meet A Heroic Death!
20 G-Men Run Down A Daring Kidnapper
21 A Desperate Running Fight!
22 A Trooper's Sacrifice To Duty!
23 Blasting Out A Gang Of Killers!
24 A Knife Thrust In The Dark!
25 G-Men Riddle The Killer "Who Couldn't Be Caught"
26 Trapping A Human Vulture
28 G-Men Deliver Death
29 A Death Duel With Escaping Convicts
32 Unrelenting Justice Overtakes a Swampland Killer
33 A Murder On An Arizona Trail
36 The Filling Station Massacre
38 Grapple With Death
39 Kidnapped Courage
40 Unearthing A Deadly Arsenal
42 Murder From Ambush!
44 Trapping The Jewel Conspirators
45 Satan's Disciple
46 Luggage Packed With Death
47 The Death Of "Dutch" Anderson
49 Far Flung Fingers Of The Law
50 The Trail Of The Mystery Bonds
51 Chinese Death
53 Blasting Crime From The Canadian Rockies
55 Taking Blood That Told A Madman's Secret
56 Following The Blood Tracks Of The "Lucky Lone Wolf"
57 Mining For Murder
58 Disguises Of The Law
59 A G-Man Flirts With Death
60 The Gold Train Murder
62 Ending The Rule Of A Man Killing Mob
63 The Chinese Symbol Of Death
64 The Killers In Tunnel 13
65 A City Lived In Terror Until . . .
66 G-Men Clear Up A Famous "Snatch" Case
67 Murder In Unaka Mountains
69 A Dying Hero's Winning Fight!
72 Justice Within The Arctic Circle
74 A Death Defying Pursuit
75 The Phantom Bandits Of The Pacific Coast
76 The Trail Of The Secret Symbols
77 Capturing the "Stinger" of the Underworld
79 Caging A Blonde Tigress
80 The Clue That Couldn't Be Drowned
81 "Rubbing Out" The Sunday Gang
82 Sleeping Evidence
83 A Bullet-Collected Debt
84 Checkmating A Desperate Bank Robbing Gang
86 A Murdered Trooper Is Avenged
87 G-Men "Mop Up" The Barker-Karpis Gang
88 Target Of Death
89 The Flight Of The Black Duck
91 Grilling A Lying Gunman
92 Murder Committed By The Victims Hands
93 A Telltale Bullet Lands An Unsuspected Bandit Gang
94 G-Men Strike In The Dark
96 The End Of A Killer's Trail
97 G-Men Complete Their Record Catch
98 Vengeance Follows An Outlaw Gang
100 The Dragnet Snares Its Prey 101 The Capture Of The "Crank"
103 G-Men Answer Public Enemy Number-1
104 The Fingerprint's Confession!
106 Murder Without Motive
107 Trapping A "Cop Killer"
109 Fog Phantoms That Could Not Elude The Law
111 Justice Patrols The Arizona Border
112 The Mad Killer's Frozen Trail
114 Swift Pursuit
115 Binding The Beast
117 Torn Dollars
119 Machine Guns Foil A Get-Away At Alcatraz
120 Death Rides The Waves
121 G-Men Blot Out A Crime Career
123 Radio Eavesdrops on Crime!
125 Capturing The Killers Of The Hatchet-Gang
126 The Ape-Man Burglar
127 The Gallows Prey
128 The Terror Of The Mails!
129 Eyes That Betrayed A Human Spider
131 Smuggling On The Rio Grande
132 The Crime Teacher
135 A Murder Leaves Its Roadmap
136 A Bullet Finds And Frees
137 The Crime In The Mirror
139 A Killer's Last Stand
142 A Mountain Moonshine Murder
147 Duty Defied Death
149 A Desperate Crime At Sea
151 Death Among The Gravestones
155 A Rancher's Camera Eye
156 The Mask Of Death
158 Crime Telegraphs Its Loot
162 Heroism On The High Seas
166 Death Blast In The Mountains
169 Death Rewards An Extortionist
177 A Boat Betrays It's Killer Crew
181 Death Ends A Crimson Trail
185 G-Men Discover A Dead Hand's Secret
191 Death In A Poison Cup
196 Gun Butts And Bullets
201 Crime's Crimson Target
203 A G-Man Finds A Murderer's Mark
206 Blood On The Moon
208 Knife Thrust In The Dark
210 Tracking A Living Dead Man
212 Death Defies The Sky
214 G-Men Play The Final Ace
219 Bloodstained Desert Gold
227 The "Law Hater"
233 Machine Gun Vengeance
239 Decoy Of Death
242 In The Grip Of The Jinx
248 The "Little Giant Of The Law" 253 Snake Of The Underworld
257 Death Streaks The Night
262 A Murder Blast Defied
266 The Stroke Of Fate
269 A Red Trail's Blazing End
271 Grip Of Steel
275 Capture In The Forest Shadows
277 The Clue Of The Chiming Clock
279 The Fire Ring
281 Smuggled Cargo
283 G-Men Ride The Air Lanes
307 G-Men and the Phantom
311 The Tri-State Terrors
319 Pursuit in the Wilderness
326 Doom of the Mad Marksman
335 Hail of Death
343 Swampland Vengeance
349 Crushing The "Cry Baby Bandits"
355 The Cry In The Night
362 Death Dealt At Dawn
371 G-Men and the Electric Eye
381 The Crimson Thread
389 Payment in Blood and Fire
397 Midnight Sharpshooters
401 The Deadly Draw
405 Courage Backed To The Wall
411 Capture at the Cattle Ford
415 River Pirate Loot
419 Silencing Ganglands Guns
424 The Death Call
427 Race In The Little Red Car
431 Moonlight Man Hunt
437 Loop Of The Law
445 The Whispered Clue
451 The Voice From The Ether Cone