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Moderator Tom Boblitt
Indian Gum - R73 -wrappers
Wrapper Variations
Jack Janzen

IG 1 - canoe

IG 2 - horse
no trademark

IG 3 - horse
with trademark

IG 4A - old Indians. offer
"Alex Eagle Plume"

IG 4B - old Indians, offer
"Alex Eagle Plume"

IG 5A - young indian, offer
"Jim Blood" with W. Reiss - sheet

IG 5B - young indian, offer
"Jim Blood" with W. Reiss - roll

IG 6 - young indian, offer
"Jim Blood" with W. Reiss or other - sheet

IG 7 -young indian, offer
"Jim Blood" only other - sheet

IG 8 - "Appeal To ... " premium
numbers with "A"

IG 9 - "Appeal To ... " ingredients listed