The Sperry Candy Co.
In History's Spotlight - R76

1 The Fleet of Columbus
2 DeSoto discovers the Mississippi
3 Landing of the Pilgrims
4 Purchase of Manhatten
5 Pocohontas and Captain John Smith
6 Braddock's Defeat
7 Boston Massacre
8 Boston Tea Party
9 Paul Revere's Ride
10 Retreat of the British from Concord
11 Battle of Bunker Hill
12 Washington Takes Command of the Army
..... 13 John Paul Jones
14 Declaration of Independence
15 The Spirit of 76
16 Liberty bell
17 Washington Crossing the Delaware
18 Valley Forge
19 Escape of Benedict Arnold
20 Battle of Camden
21 Cornwallis Surrenders
22 Daniel Boone
23 Constitution and the Guerriere
24 Andrew Jackson at New Orleans