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Federal Sweets
Minute Biographies

1 Alfred the Great
2 P T Barnum
3 Beethoven
4 Alexander Graham Bell
5 Daniel Boone
6 John Burroughs
7 Julius Caesar
8 Buffalo Bill
9 Columbus
10 Calvin Coolidge
11 Mdm. Curie
12 Thomas Edison
13 Ferdinand Foch
14 Henry Ford
15 Stephen Foster
16 Ben Franklin
17 Robert Fulton
18 Henry Hudson
19 Abraham Lincoln
20 Jennie Lind
21 Guglielmo Marconi
22 Bonito Mussolini
23 Napolean
24 Florence Nightingale
25 Louis Pasteur
26 Adelina Patti
27 William Penn
28 John J Pershing
29 Pocahontas
30 Paul Revere
31 "FDR" Roosevelt
32 "Teddie" Roosevelt
33 Salome
34 George Bernard Shaw
35 Alfred E Smith
36 John Smith
37 Solomon the Wise
38 Joseph Stalin
39 George Washington
40 Daniel Webster