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email moderator Tom Boblitt
Undocumented Silk Issue
Civil War Generals and Indians
.... Contributors
Bob Forbes
Jeff Forteza
Tom Boblitt
Henry Moses
Bruce Robinson
Tim Thornham
Bill Oliver

01..Jefferson Davis

02..David G Farragut

03..Stonewall jackson

04..Robert Edmuund Lee


06..George B McClellan (sic)

07..George C Meade

08..Phillip H. Sheridan

09..William T. Sherman

10..George H. Thomas
11..Indian Midicine-men in masks
......and masquerade dress

12..Indian of California

13..Shawanoh, the Ute Chief who was
......sent to Washington in 1863 to treat with
......the United States Government

14..Crow Chief, from the Rocky Mountains, Gala Dress

15..Osceola, leader of the Semlnoles during their
......war against the United States (after catlin)

16..Blackfoot Indian Chief

17..Canadian Indian

18..Cheyenne Chief

19..Chief in Full Dress

20..The Wolf, a UTE Indian

variation - contributor Bruce Robinson