Piedmont Cigarettes
World Scenes & Portraits - T119
Checklist - FOREIGN

Captions "Algeria"

151. Algiers, The El-Djedid Mosque
152. Algiers, General View

Captions "Austria"

153. Austria. Achensee. Hinterriss Castle
154. Johannisbad
155. Prague. Hradschin Castle
156. Prague. The Powder Tower
157. The Tyrol. Meran Tyrol Castle
158. The Tyrol. Klausen, Saeben Monastery
159. Tyrol. The Castle Runkelstein
160. Vienna. The Castle Gate
161. Vienna. The Danube Bridge
162. Vienna. House of Parliament

Captions "Belgium"

163. Antwerp. The Cathedral
164. Bruges. The Cathedral
165. Brussels. The Law Courts
166. Ostend. The Royal Chalet
167. Waterloo. The Lion

Captions "British Isles"

168. Belfast. The City Hall
169. Cambridge. Trinity College
170. Dublin. The Cathedral
171. Dublin. The Castle
172. Edinburgh. The Forth Bridge
173. Edinburgh. Princes Street
174. Glasgow. The University
175. Killarney. Meeting of the Waters
176. Liverpool. Prince's Landing Stage
177. London. Bank & Royal Exchange
178. London. Buckingham Palace
179. London. Houses of Parliament
180. London. St. Paul's Cathedral
181. London. The Tower
182. London. Tower Bridge
183. London. Trafalgar Square
184. London. Westminster Abbey
185. Oxford. Christchurch
186. Stratford-on-Avon. Shakespeare's House
187. Windsor. The Castle

Captions "Egypt"

188. Cairo. The Califs Tombs
189. Cairo. On the Nile
190. Cairo. The Pyramid & Sphinx

Captions "France"

191. Cannes. The Promenade
192. Chantilly. The Castle
193. Compeigne. Joan of Arc's Statue
194. Fontainebleau. The Palace
195. Monte Carlo. General View
196. Monte Carlo. The Casino
197. Nice. Panorama
198. Paris. Church of the Sorbonne
199. Paris. The Eiffel Tower
200. Paris. The Invalides Dome
201. Paris. The Louvre
202. Paris. The Luxembourg Gardens
203. Paris. The Madeleine
204. Paris. Notre Dame
205. Paris. The Pantheon
206. Paris. The Town Hall
207. Paris. The Trocadero
208. Paris. The Tuileries
209. Paris. Washington's Statue
210. Versailles. The Palace

Captions "Germany"

211. Bavaria. The Kings Lake
212. Berlin. The Brandenburg Gate
213. Berlin. The House of Parliament
214. Berlin. The National Gallery
215. Berlin. The University
216. Black Forest. St. Blasien
217. Black Forest. Triberg
218. Dresden. The Art Gallery
219. Dresden. The Opera House
220. Frankfort-on-Maine. General View
221. Linderhof Castle
222. Munich. The Bavaria Statue
223. The Rhine at Bacharach
224. The Rhine at Rolandseck
225. The Rhine, Niederwald Monument

Captions "Greece"

226. Athens. The Acropolis
227. Athens. Concord Square
228. Athens. Monument of Lysicratus
229. Athens. Parthenon
230. Athens. Pericles Street
231. Athens. The Propylaea 1
232. Athens. The Propylaea 2
233. Athens. The Propylaea 3
234. Athens. Temple of Theseus
235. Athens. The Zappeion Gardens

Captions "Hungary"

236. Buda Pesth. The Buda Quay
237. Buda Pesth. The Dobrentei Square
238. Buda Pesth. The Elizabeth Bridge
239. Buda Pesth. Parliament
240. Buda Pesth. The Royal Palace

Captions "India"

241. Agra. The Tadsch Mahal
242. Bombay. The Port
243. Calcutta. Government House
244. Calcutta. Presidency College
245. Lucknow. The Martiniere

Captions "Italy"

246. Florence. The Cathedral
247. Florence. River Arno & Bridge
248. Florence. Uffizi Old Palace
249. Genoa. Doria Palace
250. Milan. The Cathedral
251. Milan. Garibaldi Statue & Sforzesco Castle
252. Milan. Scala Theatre
253. Naples. Panorama & Vesuvius
254. Naples, Santa Lucia
255. Rome. The Coliseum
256. Rome. The Panteon
257. Rome. St. Giovanni Lateran & Obelisk
258. Rome. St. Peters
259. Rome. The Temple of Portuno
260. Venice. Bridge of Sighs
261. Venice. Panorama
262. Venice. Rialto Bridge, Grand Canal
263. Venice. St. Marks. 1
264. Venice. St. Marks. 2
265. Venice. St. Marks. 3

Captions "Japan"

266. Kobe. The Kobe Buddha
267. Tokio. A Street
268. Tokio. The Temple of the Fox
269. Yokohama. A Street
270. Yokohama. Oyster Fishing

Captions .Norway.

271. Bergen. The Quays
272. Christiana. General View
273. Christiana. Ravndal
274. Entrance to Norang Fjord
275. Loen. From the Fjord
276. The Lofoten near Odda
277. Merok. From the Fjord
278. Molde. General View
279. Oie. The Hjoerundfjord
280. Trondhjem. The Upper Lerfos

Captions "Poland"

281. Warsaw. Church of St. Florent
282. Warsaw. The Imperial Palace
283. Warsaw. The Market Place
284. Warsaw. Rymarska Street
285. Warsaw. The Town Hall

Captions "Russia"

286. Caucasus. Tiflis. Maidan
287. Caugasus. Baku Oil Fields
288. Crimea. Gurzuf
289. Kiev. Church of Andrej-Perwozanny
290. Moscow. The Czar's Great Bell
291. Moscow. The Kremlin
292. Moscow. The Petrov Palace
293. Moscow. The River & Kremlin
294. Moscow. The Sokolniki Gardens
295. Moscow. Strastnyj Convent
296. Moscow. The Sucharew Tower
297. Moscow. Tretjakow Street
298. Moscow. The Triumphal Arch
299. Moscow. Twerskaja-Jamskaja Street
300. St. Petersburg. Imperial Palace
301. St. Petersburg. Nevski Prospect
302. St. Petersburg. Palace of Marble
303. St. Petersburg. Statue of Peter the Great
304. St. Petersburg. The Technical School
305. St. Petersburg. The Tschernyschew Bridge

Captions "Spain"

306. Cadiz. Panorama
307. Gibraltar. The Rock
308. Granada. The Lions Court
309. Granada. View on Alhambra
310. Madrid. Royal Palace
311. Malaga. View of the Port
312. San Sebastian. The Promenade
313. Seville. The Alcazar
314. Seville. The Town Hall
315. Seville. Tomb of Christopher Columbus

Captions "Sweden"

316. Gothenburg. View of the Harbour
317. Linkoping. The Falls
318. Stockholm. General View
319. Stockholm. North Bridge and Royal Opera
320. Stockholm. The Royal Palace
321. Stockholm. View with Grand Hotel
322. Trollhattan. The Falls
323. Trollhattan. The Thieves Falls
324. Upsala. General View
325. Upsala. The University

Captions "Switzerland"

326. Berne. The Federal Palace
327. Berne. View from Cornhouse
328. Davos. Schatzalp Tobagganing
329. Davos. Ski-ing on Strela Pass
330. Geneva. The Jetty
331. Geneva. Mont-Blanc Quay
332. Geneva. The New Square
333. Grindelwald. View of Eiger
334. Interlaken. The Aar at Untersee
335. Interlaken. The Jungfrau
336. Lucerne. Panorama
337. Lucerne. The Quay
338. Zurich. The Limmat
339. Zurich. The Quay Bridge
340. Zurich. The Town Hall Quay

Captions "Syria"

341. Bethlehem. The Christmas Pilgrimage
342. Damascus. General View
343. The Dead Sea. General View
344. Jericho. General View
345. Nazareth. General View

Captions "Turkey"

346. Constantinople. The Bridge from Galatea
347. Constantinople. The Golden Horn
348. Constantinople. The Leander Tower
349. Constantinople. Sultan Achmet Mosque
350. Constantinople. The Theodore Obelisk