Bird Series - T43 Checklist

1 Black Grouse
2 Blue Grosbeak
3 Blue Jay
4 Bluebird
5 Bob White
6 Canada Goose
7 Canadian Warbler
8 Cardinal
9 Cerulean Warbler
10 Cock of the Rock
11 Elegant Pitta
12 Giant Toucan
13 Goldfinch
14 Green Winged Teal
15 Humming Bird
... 16 King Fisher
17 Mallard Duck
18 Mexican Mot Mot
19 Oriole
20 Pheasant
21 Prairie Warbler
22 Red Bird of Paradise
23 Red Breasted Woodpecker
24 Ruffed Grouse
25 Scarlet Tanager
26 Swallow-Tailed Indian Roller
27 Wild Turkey
28 Wood Duck
29 Woodcock
30 Vermilion Flycatcher