Foreign StampsSeries A

1 Argentina-Green-2 Cent. / Republica Argentina Dos (2) Centavos
2 Argentina-Red-5 Cent. / Republica Argentina Cinco (5) Centavos
3 Argentina-Blue-24 Cent. / Republica Argentina Veinticuatro (24) Centavos
4 Barbados-Green-Halfpenny / Barbados Halfpenny
5 Bavaria-Red-10 pfennig / Bayern 10 Pf. 12 Marz 1911
6 Belgium-Blue-25 Cents / Postes Belgiou (25) Belgie Postefajen
7 Bermuda-Green-Halfpenny / Bermuda Halfpenny
8 Bermuda-Purple-2 Pence / Bermuda Two Pence
9 Canada-Orange-1 Cent / Canada Postage One (1) Cent
10 Canada-Red-2 Cents / Canada Postage Two (2) Cents
11 Canada-Red-3 Cents / Canada Postage Three Cents
12 Canada-Red-10 Cents / Canada Postage 10 Cents
13 Cape of Good Hope-Blue-2 1/2 P. / Cape of Good Hope Postage 2 1/2 Pence
14 Chile-Brown-Red-2 Cent. / Chile Correos Porte Franco Colon 2 Centavos
15 Colombia-Orange-10 Cent. / Colombia 10 Centavos
16 Costa Rica-Orange-2 Cent. / Costa Rica Correos Y Telegrafos 2 Centavos
17 Costa Rica-Purple-5 Cent. / Costa Rica Correos Y Telegrafos 5 Centavos
18 Cuba-Red-2 Cent. / Republica De Cuba Dos (2) Centavos
19 Dutch Indies-Blue-5 Cent. / Ned. Indie 5 Cent
20 Ecuador-Red-5 Cent. / Correos Ecuador Cinco Centavos
21 Egypt-Red-5 Mill. / Postes Egyptiennes Cino (5) Milliemes
22 France-Orange-15 Cent. / Republique Francaise Postes 15
23 Germany-Brown-3 Pf. / Deutsches Reich (3)
24 Germany-Green-5 Pf. / Deutsches Reich (5)
25 Germany-Green-5 Pf. / Reichpost 5 Pfennig
... 26 Germany-Purple-5 Pf. / Deutsche Reichs Post 5 Pfennig
27 Germany-Red-10 Pf. / Deutsches Reich (10)
28 Germany-Red-10 Pf. / Reichspost 10 Pf.
29 Germany-Blue-20 Pf. / Deutsches Reich (20)
30 Great Britain-Blue-2 1/2 D. / Postage & Revenue 2 1/2 d.
31 Hawaii-Green-10 C. / Hawaii 1893 10 c.
32 Honduras-Red-10 Cent. / Correos De Honduras 10 Centavos
33 India-Green-1/2 Anna / India Postage Half Anna
34 Mexico-Green-1 Cent. / Correos Mexico Un (1) Centavo
35 Mexico-Blue-5 Cent. / Correos Mexico Cinco (5) Centavos
36 Netherlands-Purple-2 1/2 C. / Nederland 2 1/2 Cent.
37 Newfoundland-Blue-5 Cent / Newfoundland Postage Five (5) Cents (king's head)
38 Newfoundland-Blue-5 Cent / Newfoundland Five (5) Cents (seal)
39 Nicaragua-Green-1 Cent. / Nicaragua Correos 1 Centavo
40 Nicaragua-Blue-5 Cent. / Republica De Nicaragua Union Postal Universal 5 Centavos
41 Peru-Blue-5 Cent. / Peru Union Postal Universal Cinco Centavos
42 Peru-Orange-20 Cent. / Peru Franqueo Veinte Centavos
43 Portugal-Brown-25 Reis / Portugal Correios E Telegraphos 25 Reis
44 Spain-Blue-25 Cent. / Espana 25 Cent
45 Switzerland-Red-10 / Helvetia 10 Franco
46 Switzerland-Brown-15 / Helvetia 15 Franco
47 Switzerland-Blue-25 / Helvetia 25 Franco
48 Turkey-Orange-5 Paras / 5 Paras (name in Arabic only)
49 Uruguay-Green-1 Cent. / Republica Oriental Del Uruguay 1 Centesimo
50 Victoria-Purple-2 Pence / Victoria Two (2) Pence Stamp >