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to Dan Calandriello

Tobacco Leather

1 Amherst
2 Baker
3 Bates
4 Baylor
5 Boston
6 Bowdoin
7 Brown
8 Bucknell
9 Butler
10 C.C.N.Y.
11 Carlisle
12 Chicago
13 Cincinnati
14 Colby
15 Colgate
16 Colorado
17 Columbia
18 Cornell
19 Creighton
20 Dartmouth
21 De Pauw
22 Denver
23 Dickinson
24 Fordham
25 Franklin & Marshall
26 Geo. Washington
27 Georgetown
28 Georgia
29 Harvard
30 Holy Cross
31 Illinois
32 Indiana
33 Iowa
34 James Millikin
... 35 John Hopkins (sic)
36 Kansas
37 Kentucky
38 Knox
39 Lehigh
40 Leland Stanford Jr.
41 Loyola
42 Marquette
43 Mass. Ins. of Tech.
44 Miami
45 Michigan Agricultural
46 Minnesota
47 N. Dakota
48 N.Y.U.
49 N.Y. Univ.
50 Nebraska
51 Northwestern
52 Oberlin
53 Ohio
54 Ohio State
55 Oklahoma
56 Penna. State
57 Pittsburg
58 Pratt
59 Princeton
60 Purdue
61 Rensselaer
62 Rutgers
63 St. Louis
64 St. Louis Univ.
65 State U. of Iowa
66 State U. of Ky.
67 Syracuse
68 Texas
... 69 Tufts
70 Tulane
71 U.S.M.A.
72 U. of Alabama
73 U. of Arkansas
74 U. of Chicago
75 U. of Georgia
76 U. of Idaho
77 U. of Louisville
78 U. of Maine
79 U. of Michigan
80 U. of Minnesota
81 U. of N. Carolina
82 U. of N. Dakota
83 U. of Oregon
84 U. of Rochester
85 U. of S. Cal.
86 U. of Utah
87 U. of Vermont
88 U. of Wash.
89 U. of Wooster
90 Valparaiso
91 Villanova
92 Virginia
93 Wash. & Lee
94 Wash. State
95 Washington
96 Washington & Jefferson
97 West Virginia
98 Western Reserve
99 Wisconsin
100 Worcester
101 Yale