it's Goudey and it's a toy, and I think it's really cool. The game is called "ROLL 'EM BALL GUM" and consists of a group of eight boxes produced by The Goudey Gum Co. probably in the 1930's. It appears that the boxes are intended to be used like dice in conjunction with a small, solid metal top. The top has a collar that spins on the shaft to make various matches of hits and outs with balls and strikes. The top has a patent date of 1921 on it, but I don't think that has anything to do with this particular application. I have no idea how the game is played beyond that. It appears that the set is complete at eight boxes for a few reasons. - They are numbered on an inner flap 1 through 8 - Some of the sides refer to "Use Black Box" or some other color. There is no reference to a color not here. - On an inner flap there is a different color of stripe on each box. Again, no other color is shown.