Single plates were collected from Wheaties boxes.
Groups of 10 states were ordered from General Mills.
.. A total of 129 license plates were
issued over two years, 1953 and 1954.

-------------- 1953 ---------------

10 Foreign (Old World)
10 Canadian
10 Islands and Territories
49 USA...48 states and D.C.
01 Maharajah - given as a bonus when
....ordering the Foreign set, the Canadian
....set AND the Island and Territories set.

note - The D.C. plate was a bonus for ordering the four U.S. sets at one time.
.. --------------- 1954 ---------------

49 USA...48 states and D.C.

the 49 USA plates issued in 1953 have 1953 dates,
Maryland, Missouri, Wisconsin, and D.C. have 1954 dates.
.. the 49 USA plates issued in 1954 have 1954 dates,
Maryland, Missouri, Wisconsin, and D.C. have 1955 dates.

Non-USA checklist (all issued 1953)
Foreign, or Old World
1. Italy
2. Portugal
3. Denmark
4. Egypt
5. Iran
6. Malta
7. Monaco
8. The Netherlands
9. Switzerland
10 Turkey
.. Canadian
1. Prince Edward Island
2. Quebec
3. Saskatchewan
4. New Brunswick
5. Newfoundland
6. Nova Scotia
7. Ontario
8. Alberta
9. British Columbia
10 Manitoba
.. Islands and Territories
1. Dominican Republic-island
2. Guam-Island and our territory
3. Philippines-island, used to be ours
4. Canal Zone- our territory then
5. Hawaii-our territory then, now a state
6. Virgin Islands-also our territory
7. Yukon Territory-Canada's-now a province
8. North West Territory-Canada's, now a province
9. Alaska-our territory then, now a state.
10 Cuba-island