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Moderator Tom Boblitt
Smoke Kalamazoo Bats
Baseball Players - N690
. Bill Oliver

01 Ed Andrews

02 Charles Bastian, Harry Lyons

03 Louis Bierbauer

04 Louis Bierbauer, Gallagher

05 Charles Buffington

06 Daniel Casey

07 Jack Clements

08 Roger Connor

09 Larry Corcoran

10 Ed Cushman

11 Pat Deasley
need image

12 Jim Devlin

13 Jim Donahue

14 Mike Dorgan

15 Dude Esterbrooke

16 Buck Ewing

17 Sid Farrar

18 Charles Ferguson

19 Jim Fogarty

20 Jim Fogarty,
Deacon McGuire

21 Elmer Foster
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22 Whitey Gibson

23 Pete Gillespie

24 Tom Gunning

25 Bill Holbert
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26 Arthur Irwin

27 Arthur Irwin,
Al Maul

28 Tim Keefe

29 Ted Larkin
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30 Ted Larkins,
Jocko Milligan

31 Jack Lynch

32 Denny Lyons
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33 Denny Lyons actually
Jim Devlin, Tom Taylor

34 Harry Lyons

35 Fred Mann

36 Fred Mann,
Uncle Robbie Robinson
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37 Charlie Mason

38 Bobby Mathews
need image

39 Al Maul

40 Al Mays

41 Jim McGan

42 Deacon McGuire

43 Deacon McGuire

44 Tom McLaughlin

45 Joo Milligan,
Harry Stone Stovey

46 Joseph Mulvey

47 Candy Nelson

48 Jim O'Rourke

49 Dave Orr
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50 Tom Poorman

51 Danny Richardson

52 Uncle Robbie
Wilbert Robinson

53 Chief Roseman
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54 Ed Seward
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55 Harry Stowe Stovey;
hands on hips

56 Harry Stowe Stovey;
hands outstretched

57 Sleepy George

58 Jocko Milligan,
Sleepy George Townsend

59 Monty Ward

60 Gus Weyhing

61 George "Dandy" Wood

62 Harry Wright