Notes: Though there are movie stars in this set, some of the women pictured may not be movie stars.
This set was issued in three different ways, as follows:
A. Numbered from 55-108
B. Unnumbered, blank backed, Matt fronts, brown tone
C. Unnumbered, blank backed, Glossy fronts, grey-black tone
Date info: This is a difficult set to date, as many of the names in this set do not have entries in the Internet Movie Database, though some do. I also suspect that the Imdb is not complete for these early years, especially for non-American films, so these stars probably made some films in those years that are not listed on the Imdb yet. Also, this is a set of Beauties, not film stars, so there is no requirement that the stars had to be making films when this card set was issued. The overlapping time period when most of these stars were making movies was about 1917-1923, so this set was probably issued somewhere in those years.
55. Lily Elsie
56. Peggy Kurton
57. Winnie Thomas
58. Constance Worth
59. Pearl Aufrere
60. Violet Ashton
61. Iris Hoey
62. Joan Beryl
63. Gabrielle Ray
64. Marjorie Palma
65. Phyllis Dare
66. Genee Wallis
67. Peggy Kurton
68. Joe Howard
69. Winnie Collins
70. Nora Wadeley
71. Isobel Elsom
72. Winnie Collins
73. Cherry Constant
74. Gladys Ivery
75. Cicely Debenham
76. Hilda Palma
77. Gwennyth Hughes
78. Cicely Debenham
79. Sadrene Storri
80. Mabel Hirst
81. Gladys Cooper
82. Kathleen Vincent
83. Kathleen Vincent
84. Gladys Cooper
85. Marjorie Palma
86. May Hinton
87. Genee Wallis
88. Lilian Hall-Davis
89. Lily Elsie
90. Evelyn Turner
91. Ivy Close
92. Olive Duncan
93. Cylene Moxon
94. Kathleen Bisset
95. Dorothy Haswell
96. Patty Wells
97. Gladys Ivery
98. Kathleen Vincent
99. Gwennyth Hughes
100. Lily Legros
101. Gladys Cooper
102. Lilian Hall-Davis
103. Pearl Aufrere
104. Ivy Close
105. Norah Hyslop
106. Marie Blanche
107. Dorothy Haswell
108. Phyllis Dare
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