Belle Jardiniere Film Stars

Issuing Company: C. Beriot-Ivry
Country of Issue: France
Year of Issue:
Color/B&W: B&W
Number of Cards in Set:
Card Size:
Issued as insert with what product: Chicory

Notes: Checklist may be incomplete. Unnumbered.

These cards were issued with chicory. I asked French collector Serge Plumecocq about chicory and here is his response. Chicory is a coffee substitute, which appeared with the shortage of coffee during the blockade of 1806. It developed in the North, in Belgium, Germany. These are roasted endive roots (a salad). It's taste is between coffee and caramel. Widely used after the 1914-18 war, it is in decline, but today we find drinks, chicory breads. The factories that no longer exist used to include cards in the packages.

Thanks to Richard Minns and Serge Plumecocq for help with this checklist.

Andre Bauge
Armand Bernard
Pierre Blanchar
Charles Boyer
Marcelle Chantal
Maurice Chevalier
Gary Cooper
Colette Darfeuil
Henri Garat
Greta Garbo
Marie Glory
Fernand Gravey
Lilian Harvey
Jeanne Helbling
Brigitte Helm
Meg Lemonnier
Georges Milton
Gaby Morlay
Jean Murat
Noel Noel
Elvire Popesco
Albert Prejean
Madeleine Renaud
Francoise Rosay
Jean Weber
Pierre Richard Wilm

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