Major Drapkin British Beauties

Issuing Company: Major Drapkin
Country of Issue: England
Year of Issue: 1930
Color/B&W: B&W
Number of Cards in Set: 25
Card Size:
Issued as insert with what product: Cigarettes

Notes: Cards feature dancers, musical, stage and cinema stars as well as beauties.

Thanks to Richard Minns for helping with this checklist.

1. Elsie Cadman
2. Edith Ashley
3. Margery Hall
4. Heather Tracey
5. Molly Malone
6. Doreen Crossley
7. Gabrielle Gilroy
8. April Claire
9. Rene Clama
10. Ivy Close
11. Ursula Morton
12. Joyce Barbour
13. Miss Gordon
14. Maureen Shaw
15. Winifred Davey
16. Miriam Sabbage
17. Bernadine Wallace
18. Nancy Rigg
19. Stephanie Stephens
20. Stella Pierres
21. Thelma Bayly
22. Mary Mullen
23. Kendall Storey
24. Joyce Williams
25. Mamie Whitaker

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