Notes: An album was issued with this set. In an oddity, the cards in the album were not designed to be put in numerical order in the album. The album can be white, pink, or blue.
There was a contest associated with this set. If someone turned in an album page with containing all 25 cards on that page, they would win a prize. If they turned in 2, 3, or 4 pages, the prizes would get bigger. Not surprisingly, Serge Plumecocq owns an album with all the cards filled in except for one on each page. They evidently short-printed one card on each page. The short-prints appear to be: 1. C. Daupin; 46. Gregory Peck; 66. Stan Laurel; 93. D. Fairbanks Jr.
The prizes in the contest:
French collector Serge Plumecocq reports that Exnaco was located in Hussen-Dey, a suburb of Algiers when Algeria was considered a beautiful French province. In 1956, a large fire broke out at the Exnaco factory and burned the building to the ground.
Thanks to Serge Plumecocq for helping with this checklist.
1. C. Dauphin (contest short-print)
2. Suzy Carrier
3. Jean Chevrier
4. Henri Vidal
5. Henri Nassiet
6. Nadine Alary
7. Myrna Loy
8. D. Darrieux
9. Michel Simon
10. Valli
11. M. Robinson
12. D. Delorme
13. Nadia Gray
14. Noel-Noel
15. Joseph Cotten
16. Frank Villard
17. Rene Dary
18. G. Marchal
19. Moreau
20. H. Perdriere
21. Bernard Blier
22. T. Howard
23. Annabella
24. Michele Morgan
25. Carette
26. Greta Garbo
27. R. Montgomery
28. Clark Gable
29. Mickey Rooney
30. J. Crawford
31. Frank Sinatra
32. Ann Sothern
33. Spencer Tracy
34. Red Skelton
35. Greer Garson
36. J. Weissmuller
37. Esther Williams
38. W. Pidgeon
39. Ilona Massey
40. Ruth Hussey
41. Myrna Loy
42. Norma Shearer
43. Robert Taylor
44. Lana Turner
45. William Powell
46. Gregory Peck (contest short-print)
47. Judy Garland
48. Margaret O'Brien
49. Van Johnson
50. Lassie
51. Martine Carol
52. Simone Renant
53. B. Brunoy
54. Jean Marchat
55. Jean Marais
56. F. Perrier
57. Coco Aslan
58. F. Gravey
59. Orson Welles
60. Gaby Morlay
61. Serge Reggiani
62. E. Feuillere
63. Aimos
64. Rene Lefebvre
65. Jean Tissier
66. Stan Laurel (contest short-print)
67. Saturnin Fabre
68. M. Pagliero
69. Andre Luguet
70. G. Leclerc
71. Suzy Prim
72. Fernandel
73. Raimu
74. Oliver Hardy
75. V. Romance
76. William Powell
77. Dana Andrew
78. James Stewart (spelled Steward on card)
79. S. McO'Nally
80. Abbott et Costello
81. B. Coward
82. Y. de Carlo
83. Martha Torren
84. Howard Duff
85. D. O'Connor
86. F. March
87. Jack Lambert
88. C. Carwin
89. Ann Blyth (spelled Blith on card)
90. C. Corburn
91. Maureen O'Hara
92. P. Medina
93. D. Fairbanks Jr. (contest short-print)
94. A. Treacher
95. R. Newton
96. Susanna Foster
97. C. Laughton
98. B. Stanwyck
99. B. Lancaster
100. John Hall
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