Kras Film Stars (Cokolada Kras - Zagreb)

Issuing Company: Kras
Country of Issue: Yugoslavia
Year of Issue: 1950s
Color/B&W: B&W
Number of Cards in Set:
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Issued as insert with what product:

Notes: Checklist incomplete. These cards often contain 3 lines of text on the fronts, with the name on the top line, the studio on the second line, and "Cokolada Kras - Zagreb" on the third line.

1. Barbara Ruick
2. Debbie Reynolds
3. Joan Evans (spelled Ewans on card)
4. Montgomery Clift (spelled M. Klift on card)
5. O. Markovic
6. Adele Mara
31. Farley Granger
32. A. Lualdi
33. John Ericson
34. E. Constantine
35. Viveca Lindfors
36. Jane Russell (spelled Russel on card)
37. Daniel Gelin
38. T. Markovic
39. Maria Felix
40. J. Mansfield
41. Greta Garbo
42. June Allyson
43. Anne Baxter

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