Manar-Gum-Cow-Boy (Various Subjects)

Issuing Company: La Sarl Manargum
Country of Issue: Algeria
Year of Issue: 1960s
Color/B&W: Color
Number of Cards in Set:
Card Size:
Issued as insert with what product: Gum

Notes: Checklist incomplete. Blank backed. These cards show many different subjects, including a subset of film stars. It looks like every 10 cards in these numbered cards show different types of subjects. The film stars appear to be only on numbers 41-50. Other subjects included planes (cards numbered in the 90s), circus scenes (cards numbered in the 1960s), horse racers (cards numbered in the 100s), etc.

The checklist below shows only those cards in the film stars group from this set.

41. Jean Gabin
42. Gina Lollobrigida
43. Youssef Wahby
46. Laila Fawzy
47. Gary Cooper
48. Samia Gamal
50. Farid El Atrache

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