Monty Famous People From History

Issuing Company: Monty
Country of Issue: The Netherlands
Year of Issue: 1968
Color/B&W: B&W with color border
Number of Cards in Set:
Card Size:
Issued as insert with what product: Gum

Notes: Checklist may be incomplete. Unnumbered. This series contains politicians, artists, presidents, popes as well as film stars. This set issued by Monty Gum, though there is no mention of the issuer on the cards (Monty Gum cards seldom have the company name on the cards).

Date info: The Monty Cards and Sticker website places a date of 1968 on this set, so I'm going with that.

Thanks to Richard Minns for helping with this checklist.

Conrad Adenauer (German Chancellor)
Brigitte Bardot (Movie Star)
Prof. Dr. Chris Barnard
Fidel Castro
Charles Chaplin (Movie Star)
Winston Churchill (England Prime Minister)
Madame Curie
Salvador Dali (Artist)
Moshe Dayan
Charles de Gaulle (France Leader)
Dwight Eisenhower
Albert Einstein
General Franco
Yoeri Gagarin (Astronaut)
John Glenn (Astronaut)
Che Guevara (Revolutionary)
Hussein of Jordan
L.B. Johnson (Lyndon B. Johnson, American President)
The Kennedy Family
John F. Kennedy
Robert F. Kennedy
Khushev (USSR Leader)
Dr. Martin Luther King
Harold Lloyd (Movie Star)
Ho Chi Minh
Pola Negri (Movie Star)
Pandit Nehroe
Pablo Picasso (Artist)
Pope Johannes XXIII
Albert Schweitzer (German Theologian & Philosopher)
Haile Selassie
Shah of Iran
Joseph Stalin (USSR Leader)
Oe Thant (UN Secretary-General)
Mao Tse Tung
Rudolph Valentino (Movie Star)
Maharishi Mahash Yogi

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