Issuing Company: N. V. Tabak Mij.
Country of Issue: Jakarta, Indonesia
Year of Issue: 1924
Color/B&W: Brown tone
Number of Cards in Set: 50
Card Size:
Issued as insert with what product: Cigarettes

Notes: Checklist incomplete. This set was issued on the island of Java in what is now Indonesia.

It looks like the text on back is written in Indonesian, though Google Translate does not do a good job of translating this text. It appears that a collector could get a prize (possibly a bicycle) for turning in a complete set of 50 cards from this set. With promotions like this, there is usually a short printed card in the set, though I don't know which card is shortprinted, or even if there is a shortprinted card in this set.

Thanks to Michael Prior and Richard Minns for providing the information for this checklist.

24. Charles Chaplin
35. Evelyn Greely
43. Mary Pickford

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