Nitfotografi Film Stars

Issuing Company:
Country of Issue:
Year of Issue: Late 1940s or early 1950s
Color/B&W: B&W
Number of Cards in Set: 15
Card Size: 4" x 5" without the tab
Issued as insert with what product:

Notes: Checklist probably complete. Unnumbered. Blank-backed. Cards have a tab at the bottom that is often cut off. The tab contains the name Nitfotografi, so if cut off these are hard to identify. Collector Amit Benyovits reports that has has seen a lot of about 100 or these with many repeats, so he believes the checklist is complete at 15.

Thanks to Amit Benyovits for helping with this checklist.

Lauren Bacall
Joan Benett
Jeanne Crain
Judy Garland
Greer Garson
Betty Grable
Signe Hasso
June Haver
Hedy Lamarr
Joan Leslie
Michelle Morgan
Maureen O'Hara
Ginger Rogers
Gene Tierney
Jane Wyman

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