Star Gum Works Unidentified Film Stars

Issuing Company: Star Gum Works
Country of Issue: Belgium (Merksem)
Year of Issue: early 1950s
Color/B&W: B&W
Number of Cards in Set: 120
Card Size:
Issued as insert with what product: Gum

Notes: Checklist incomplete. These cards show a picture of a movie star on the front with their film studio, but no name identification. The backs have text in Dutch and French and mention an album and prizes. All backs are the same.

An album was issued with this set. The text on a page at the beginning of the albums states as follows:

   We publish:
   A series of 120 of the best known film stars. The photos are not marked and bear no name. Do you know these movie stars?

Place the photos in this album in the place intended for them, which is indicated by their name under each box. For a correct and completely completed album you will receive:

1. A camera, or
2. A match football, or
3. The value in money of 130 Fr.

Your Album and Prize will be returned to you by return post.

The album helps with identifying the movie stars, as each page contains space for 12 cards, with the movie star and studio identified under the frame for the card. Since the unidentified movie star cards do show the studio, this helps in matching the cards to their proper place in the album. There are multiple cards for some movie stars.

Since there are prizes for turning in the cards, it is likely that there is one or more shortprint cards in this set.

Thanks to Uffe, Carlye Kirk, and Richard Minns for helping with this checklist.

Click the small picture above to view a picture checklist of this set.

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