Turmac World Celebrities and Film Stars 1930 Silks

Issuing Company: Turmac
Country of Issue: The Netherlands
Year of Issue: 1930
Color/B&W: B&W
Number of Cards in Set: 47 total (16 film related)
Card Size:
Issued as insert with what product: Cigarettes

Notes: Blank-backed. Turmac issued two series of woven silks featuring film stars and other personalities. Silks from this series are larger and have a serrated edge unlike The International Personalities Set. Handbook reference number ZS04-900.

Two film related silks have been seen in color; the Greta Garbo silk has been seen in only in color but may exist in black and white. All silks could exist in both formats with the color version being extremely rare.

In total 47 silks were issued in this set. The checklist below contains only the 16 film related ones.

Thanks to Richard Minns for helping with this checklist.

Betty Balfour
Olive Borden
Lon Chaney
Lili Damita
Dolores Del Rio
Douglas Fairbanks
Charles Farrell
Greta Garbo (woven in colour)
Barbara Kent
Laura La Plante
Jeanette MacDonald
Sally O'Neil
Esther Ralston
Charles Rogers (seen in black and white and color)
Alice Terry
Anna May Wong

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