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Issuing Company: Country of Issue: Sweden Year of Issue: Color/B&W: B&W Number of Cards in Set: 72 Card Size: 2 5/8" x 3 11/16" Issued as insert with what product: Chewing Gum |
Notes: Blank-backed. Thanks to Piet Gooijaers for providing most of the names for this checklist.
1. Judy Garland
2. Gloria Swanson
3. Richard Todd
4. Betsy Drake
5. Nathalie Wood
6. Joseph Cotton
7. Viveca Lindfors
8. Ilona Massey
9. Ann Miller
10. Ronald Reagan
11. Greer Carson
12. June Allyson
13. Jane Powel
14. Esther Williams
15. Spencer Tracy
16. Smiley Burnette
17. Erroll Flynn
18. Gene Autry
19. Adrian Both
20. Gail Russell
21. Lauren Bacall
22. Corinne Calvet
23. June Haver
24. Clark Gable
25. Gail Russel
26. Allan Ladd
27. Jack Carson
28. Dorothy Lamour
29. Ray Milland
30. Barbara Stanwyck
31. Bob Hope
32. Rod Cameron
33. Gene Kelly
34. Peggy Dow
35. Adela Mara
36. Doris Day
37. Andy Devine
38. William Marshall
39. Monte Hale
40. Estrelita Rodriguez
41. Gregory Peck
42. John Carroll
43. Rex Allan
44. John Wayne
45. Joel Mc Crea
46. Elizabeth Taylor
47. William Holden
48. Cary Grant
49. Ginger Rogers
50. Randolph Scott
51. Ruth Roman
52. Allan Lane
53. Bette Davis
54. Humphrey Bogart
55. Kirk Douglas
56. Jane Wyman
57. Joan Crawford
58. Walter Pidgeon
59. Ava Gardner
60. Esther Williams
61. Dick Powel
62. Gabby Hayes
63. William Elliot
64. Dennis Morgan
65. Fred Astaire
66. Frank Sinatra
67. Red Skelton
68. Gary Cooper
69. Adela Mara
70. Lana Turner
71. Virgina Mayo
72. Ginger Rogers
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